Index: directx2tri.php
--- directx2tri.php	(revision 325)
+++ directx2tri.php	(revision 326)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+// Converts DirectX mesh file format (.x) to Raydium file format (.tri).
+// This script assume (for now) that indexes for normals 
+// and uv texturing informations are THE SAME as vertices indexes.
+// each object must use one texture only (for now)
+// v0.6
+$no_normals=false; // there is an autodetect feature.
+function float($in)
+if(strstr($in,"NAN")!=false) $ret=0;
+function plop($i)
+// Comment this line to disable debug traces
+//echo "$i\n";
+function find($what, $from, $in, $quiet=false)
+ {
+ $tmp=explode(' ',$in[$i]);
+  for($j=0;$j<count($tmp);$j++)
+   {
+   if(trim($tmp[$j])==$what) 
+    { /* echo "c:$i\n"; */ return ($i); }
+   }
+ }
+if($quiet) return(-1);
+die("\"$what\" not found !\n");
+function find_char($what, $from, $in)
+ {
+ if(strstr($in[$i],$what)!=FALSE) { /* echo "c:$i\n"; */ return($i); }
+ }
+echo "1\n";
+function export_a_mesh($in, $from)
+global $textures,$no_normals;
+// find mesh
+plop("Starts mesh search");
+$n=find("Mesh",$from,$in,true); // Mesh start
+if($n<0) return(0);
+$cpt=find_char(";",$n,$in); // Mesh vertex count
+$vertices=floatval($in[$cpt]); // number of vertices
+//echo "----------- Vertices: $vertices\n";
+for($n=0,$i=($cpt+1) ; $i < (1+$vertices+$cpt) ; $i++,$n++)
+ {
+ $tmp=explode(";",trim($in[$i]));
+ $vert[$n]["vx"]=trim($tmp[0]);
+ $vert[$n]["vy"]=trim($tmp[1]);
+ $vert[$n]["vz"]=trim($tmp[2]); 
+ }
+$cpt=find_char(";",$cpt,$in); // find triangles description
+$ntri=floatval($in[$cpt]); // number of triangles
+//echo "----------- Indexes : $ntri\n";
+for($n=0,$i=($cpt+1) ; $i < (1+$ntri+$cpt) ; $i++,$n+=3)
+ {
+ $tmp=explode(";",trim($in[$i]));
+ $topo=trim($tmp[0]);
+ if($topo!=3) die("Not a triangle ! ($topo vertices, line ".($i+1).")\n");
+ $tmp=explode(",",$tmp[1]);
+ $t1=trim($tmp[0]);
+ $t2=trim($tmp[1]);
+ $t3=trim($tmp[2]);
+ $index[$n+0]=$t1;
+ $index[$n+1]=$t2;
+ $index[$n+2]=$t3;
+ }
+// Normals
+ plop("Normals");
+ $n=find("MeshNormals",$meshpos,$in,true); // Mesh normals
+ plop("Normals found");
+  if($n>=0)
+  {
+  $cpt=find_char(";",$cpt,$in); // Mesh normals count
+  for($n=0,$i=($cpt+1) ; $i < (1+$vertices+$cpt) ; $i++,$n++)
+   {
+   $tmp=explode(";",trim($in[$i]));
+   $vert[$n]["nx"]=float(trim($tmp[0]));
+   $vert[$n]["ny"]=float(trim($tmp[1]));
+   $vert[$n]["nz"]=float(trim($tmp[2])); 
+   }
+ $cpt=$i;
+ }
+ else $no_normals=true;
+$cpt=find("MeshMaterialList",$meshpos,$in); // Mesh texture
+$mat=str_replace("{","", str_replace("}","",$mat));
+// Material may be defined inside MaterialList and not declared the same way:
+$embd=explode(" ",trim($in[$cpt]));
+ {
+ unset($mat);
+ for($j=1;$j<count($embd);$j++)
+    $mat.=(" ".$embd[$j]);
+ $mat=str_replace("{","", str_replace("}","",$mat));
+ $mat=trim($mat);
+ }
+//echo "+++++++-$mat-\n";
+$cpt=find("MeshTextureCoords",$meshpos,$in); // Mesh UV
+$cpt=find_char(";",$cpt,$in); // Mesh UV count
+for($n=0,$i=($cpt+1) ; $i < (1+$vertices+$cpt) ; $i++,$n++)
+ {
+ //echo "*".trim($in[$i])."*\n";
+ $tmp=explode(";",trim($in[$i]));
+ $vert[$n]["u"]=trim($tmp[0]);
+ $vert[$n]["v"]=trim($tmp[1]);
+ $vert[$n]["tex"]=$mat;
+ }
+ {
+ echo $vert[$index[$i]]["vx"];
+ echo " ";
+ echo $vert[$index[$i]]["vy"];
+ echo " ";
+ echo $vert[$index[$i]]["vz"];
+ echo " ";
+ if(trim($vert[$index[$i]]["nx"])=="")
+  {
+  // no normal were found
+  $vert[$index[$i]]["nx"]=1;
+  $vert[$index[$i]]["ny"]=1;
+  $vert[$index[$i]]["nz"]=1;
+  }
+ echo $vert[$index[$i]]["nx"];
+ echo " ";
+ echo $vert[$index[$i]]["ny"];
+ echo " ";
+ echo $vert[$index[$i]]["nz"];
+ echo " ";
+ echo $vert[$index[$i]]["u"];
+ echo " ";
+ echo $vert[$index[$i]]["v"];
+ echo " ";
+ $a=$textures[$vert[$index[$i]]["tex"]];
+ if($a!="") echo $a; else echo "rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)";
+// echo $vert[$index[$i]]["tex"];
+ echo "\n";
+ }
+return ($cpt);
+// find materials
+while( ($ret=find("Material",$ret,$in,true)) >0 )
+$prem=strpos($mat," ");
+$mat=substr($mat,$prem); // delete "Material" in $mat string
+//echo "###########-$mat-\n";
+ {
+ $start=find_char("\"",$occ,$in); // Texture filename must use " char.
+ $tex=str_replace("\"","",$in[$start]);
+ $tex=str_replace("{","",$tex);
+ $tex=str_replace("}","",$tex);
+ $tex=str_replace(";","",$tex);
+ $tex=strtolower(trim($tex));
+ $textures[$mat]=$tex; 
+// echo "************-$tex-[$mat]\n";
+ } else $textures[$mat]="rgb(1,0,0)";
+// Exports all
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: directx2tri.php
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property