Index: kinghill2.c
--- kinghill2.c	(revision 2)
+++ kinghill2.c	(revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+// TODO :
+// timelimit (sync server side ?)
+// spectate mode ? (raydium modif : "no element" client keep alive)
+#include "raydium/index.c"
+void create_car(void);
+GLfloat sun[]={1.0,0.9,0.9,1.0};
+int son_moteur;
+int game_state;
+#define MAX_RESPAWNS		16
+GLfloat respawns[MAX_RESPAWNS][6];
+int respawn_index=0;
+GLfloat ground_z=0;
+GLfloat static_camera[3];
+char camera_file[128];
+#define GAME_MENU		1
+#define GAME_GAME		2
+#define GAME_END		3
+#define GAME_OUT		4
+#define TYPE_BALANCIER          6
+#define TYPE_CORPS          	7
+void read_world(char *filename)
+FILE *fp;
+int v;
+dReal p[6];
+char ent[128];
+if(!fp) return;
+while(fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %s\n",&p[0],&p[1],&p[2],&p[3],&p[4],&p[5],ent)!=EOF)
+    {
+    switch(ent[0])
+	{
+	case 'r':
+	    memcpy(respawns[respawn_index],p,sizeof(GLfloat)*6);
+	    respawn_index++;
+	    break;
+	case 'g':
+	    ground_z=p[2];
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+void set_world(char *root)
+char f[256];
+} PHP_v_s(set_world)
+void game_state_change(int state)
+int i;
+    {
+    case GAME_MENU:
+	raydium_gui_show();
+	break;
+    case GAME_GAME:
+	raydium_gui_hide();
+	create_car();
+	break;
+    case GAME_END:
+	raydium_ode_object_delete_name("WATURE");
+	break;
+    case GAME_OUT:
+	// "tu tombes !"
+	i=raydium_network_uid;
+	if(i<0) i=0;
+	scores[i]++;
+	raydium_network_propag_refresh(RAYDIUM_NETWORK_PACKET_BASE+i);
+	break;
+    }
+char collide(int e1, int e2, dContact *c)
+int i1,i2;
+    return 0;
+return 1;
+char draw_element_after(int elem)
+int type;
+dReal *pos;
+if(type==TYPE_CORPS && raydium_ode_network_element_isdistant(elem))
+    {
+    int player;
+    int his_score;
+    int our_score;
+    char color;
+    pos=raydium_ode_element_pos_get(elem);
+    player=raydium_ode_network_element_distantowner(elem);
+    his_score=scores[player];
+    our_score=scores[raydium_network_uid];
+    color=(our_score>=his_score?'c':'a');
+    raydium_osd_printf_3D(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],12,0.5,"font2.tga","^f%s^f (^%c%i^f)",raydium_network_name[player],color,his_score);
+    }
+return 1;
+void btnErrorOkClick(raydium_gui_Object *w)
+void btnTrainingClick(raydium_gui_Object *w)
+void btnConnect(raydium_gui_Object *w)
+char server[512];
+    {
+    int handle;
+    handle=raydium_gui_window_create("error",25,45,50,15);
+    raydium_gui_widget_sizes(0,0,18);
+    raydium_gui_label_create("lblError",handle,50,80,"Cannot connect to server ...",0,0,0);
+    raydium_gui_widget_sizes(15,5,18);
+    raydium_gui_button_create("btnErrorOk",handle,35,15,"OK",btnErrorOkClick);
+    return;
+    }
+void create_menu(void)
+int handle;
+raydium_gui_label_create("lblPlayerName",handle,25,85,"Player Name :",0,0,0);
+raydium_gui_label_create("lblServer",handle,32.5,55,"Server :",0,0,0);
+void create_car(void)
+int a;
+int respawn;
+#define BREAK_FORCE     130
+#define ROTFRICTION     0.0005
+#define ERP_CFM         0.1,1.0
+//raydium_log("%i (%i)",respawn,respawn_index);
+/*raydium_log("%i | %f %f %f | %f %f %f",respawn,
+				  respawns[respawn][0],
+				  respawns[respawn][1],
+				  respawns[respawn][2],
+				  respawns[respawn][3],
+				  respawns[respawn][4],
+				  respawns[respawn][5]);*/
+void display_all(void)
+if(raydium_key[GLUT_KEY_F1]) raydium_ode_draw_all(1);
+void display(void)
+float speed=0,direct=0;
+float accel=0.2;
+char tag=0;
+dReal *pos;
+dReal cam[3];
+static float secs=0;
+int i;
+if(raydium_key_last==1027) exit(0);
+    { 
+    case GAME_GAME:
+	raydium_joy_key_emul();
+        direct=raydium_joy_x*0.3;
+        if(raydium_joy_y>0.3)
+    	    {
+    	    speed=raydium_joy_y*10;
+	    raydium_ode_motor_power_max_name("moteur",accel);
+	    tag=1;
+	    }
+	else
+	if(raydium_joy_y<-0.3)
+	    {
+    	    speed=raydium_joy_y*5;
+	    raydium_ode_motor_power_max_name("moteur",0.2 * -raydium_joy_y);
+	    tag=1;
+	    }
+	if(!tag)
+	    {
+		speed=0;
+		raydium_ode_motor_power_max_name("moteur",0.05);
+	    }
+	raydium_ode_motor_speed_name("moteur",-speed);
+        raydium_ode_motor_angle_name("direction",direct);
+	// get element position
+        pos=raydium_ode_element_pos_get_name("corps");
+	// raydium_log("%f %f",pos[2],ground_z);
+	if(pos[2]<ground_z)
+	    {
+	    // raydium_log("toto");
+	    game_state_change(GAME_OUT);
+	    }
+        // get position of camera in world coords
+        raydium_ode_element_RelPointPos_name("corps",-1,0,0,cam);
+        // correct z pos (always at top of the car, for example)
+	cam[2]=pos[2]+0.5;
+        // standard smooth lookat camera
+        raydium_camera_smooth(cam[0],cam[1],cam[2],pos[1],-pos[2],pos[0],
+			      70,0,raydium_frame_time*3);
+        static_camera[0]=cam[0];
+        static_camera[1]=cam[1];
+	static_camera[2]=cam[2];
+	display_all();
+	raydium_osd_printf(3.4,96.6,35,0.5,"font2.tga","^0- %s -",raydium_network_name_local);
+	raydium_osd_printf(3,97,35,0.5,"font2.tga","^f- %s -",raydium_network_name_local);
+	i=raydium_network_uid;
+	if(i<0) i=0;
+	raydium_osd_printf(2,2,15,0.5,"font2.tga","^fscore: %i",scores[i]);
+        raydium_ode_element_sound_update_name("corps",son_moteur);
+	speed=raydium_ode_motor_speed_get_name("moteur",1);
+	speed/=12;
+	speed+=0.5;
+	speed+=(raydium_random_neg_pos_1()/15);
+	raydium_sound_SetSourcePitch(son_moteur,raydium_trigo_abs(speed));
+    break;
+    case GAME_OUT:
+	raydium_ode_element_slip_name("corps",RAYDIUM_ODE_SLIP_DEFAULT);
+	raydium_ode_motor_power_max_name("moteur",10);
+	raydium_ode_motor_speed_name("moteur",0);
+        raydium_ode_motor_angle_name("direction",0);
+        raydium_ode_element_sound_update_name("corps",son_moteur);
+	raydium_sound_SetSourcePitch(son_moteur,0.2);
+	if(raydium_key_last==1032)
+	    game_state_change(GAME_GAME);
+	pos=raydium_ode_element_pos_get_name("corps");
+	raydium_camera_smooth(static_camera[0],
+			      static_camera[1],	
+			      static_camera[2],	
+			      pos[1],-pos[2],pos[0],
+			      90,0,raydium_frame_time*3);
+	display_all();
+	raydium_osd_printf(47,53,15,0.5,"font2.tga","^f[ ^cOUT!^f ]");
+    break;
+    case GAME_MENU:
+	secs+=raydium_frame_time;
+	raydium_camera_smooth_path_to_pos(camera_file,0,0,0,secs,2*raydium_frame_time);
+	display_all();
+    break;
+    }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+int i;
+raydium_window_create(640,480,RAYDIUM_RENDERING_WINDOW,"King of the Hill 2");
+// scores init
+    {
+    scores[i]=0;
+    raydium_network_propag_add(RAYDIUM_NETWORK_PACKET_BASE+i,scores+i,sizeof(short));
+    }
+return 0;