Index: gui.h
--- gui.h	(revision 0)
+++ gui.h	(revision 1)
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#ifndef _GUI_H
+#define _GUI_H
+#include "../gui.h"
+Graphic User Interfaces
+// Introduction
+Raydium provides a support for simple GUI definitions thru a set of
+functions (RayPHP interface is available).
+Raydium's GUI are themable, using ".gui" theme text files. A default "full"
+theme is provided as "theme-raydium2.gui" (and suitable ".tga" file) on the 
+data repository.
+Complete informations about theme building are readable in this file.
+// Vocabulary
+This API will allow declaeation of:
+- "widgets" (label, button, edit box, track bar, check box, combo box)
+- "windows" (containers for widgets)
+"Focus" is supported for windows and widgets. The final user will not have
+any control on windows focus. "Tab" key is used for widget focus cycling.
+Widgets and windows are identified by a name or by a unique numeric id.
+// Building
+The idea is simple: build a window (position and size), and create
+widgets over this window.
+All widgets are created using the current sizes (x,y and font). See 
+suitable function).
+Buttons provides a simple callback, and all other widgets (but label)
+provides an unified "read" function. Window deletion is also possible.
+You must set current theme before any of this operations (see below).
+void raydium_gui_window_init(int window);
+Internal use. Will reset ##window##.
+void raydium_gui_init(void);
+Internal use. Will init all GUI API. Called once by Raydium.
+void raydium_gui_theme_init(void);
+Internal use. Will init theme.
+int raydium_gui_theme_load(char *filename);
+This function will load and set current theme (".gui" files). You must load
+a theme by yourself, since Raydium will never do it for you.
+This function must be called before GUI building.
+char raydium_gui_window_isvalid(int i);
+Mostly internal. Will check if ##i## window is valid.
+int raydium_gui_window_find(char *name);
+Will search ##name## window's numeric id.
+char raydium_gui_widget_isvalid(int i, int window);
+Mostly internal. Will check if ##i## widget of ##window## is valid.
+int raydium_gui_widget_find(char *name, int window);
+Will search ##name## widget numeric id (for ##window##).
+void raydium_gui_widget_next(void);
+Mostly internal. Cycle focus.
+void raydium_gui_widget_draw_internal(GLfloat *uv, GLfloat *xy);
+Internal use. Generic drawing function.
+void raydium_gui_button_draw(int w, int window);
+Internal use.
+void raydium_gui_track_draw(int w, int window);
+Internal use.
+void raydium_gui_label_draw(int w, int window);
+Internal use.
+void raydium_gui_edit_draw(int w, int window);
+Internal use.
+void raydium_gui_check_draw(int w, int window);
+Internal use.
+void raydium_gui_combo_draw(int w, int window);
+Internal use.
+void raydium_gui_window_draw(int window);
+Internal use.
+void raydium_gui_draw(void);
+Internal use. GUI drawing callback.
+int raydium_gui_button_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+Internal use. Button read accessor (dummy).
+int raydium_gui_label_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+Internal use. Label read accessor (dummy).
+int raydium_gui_track_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+Internal use. Track read accessor.
+int raydium_gui_edit_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+Internal use. Edit read accessor.
+int raydium_gui_check_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+Internal use. Check read accessor.
+int raydium_gui_combo_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+Internal use. Combo read accessor.
+void raydium_gui_show(void);
+Will show current built GUI.
+void raydium_gui_hide(void);
+Will hide current built GUI. This is the default state.
+char raydium_gui_isvisible(void);
+Will return current visibility of GUI.
+void raydium_gui_window_delete(int window);
+Will delete ##window##. No further access to widgets is possible.
+void raydium_gui_window_delete_name(char *window);
+Same as above, but using ##window##'s name.
+void raydium_gui_widget_sizes(GLfloat sizex, GLfloat sizey, GLfloat font_size);
+Each widget is created using 3 size: X size, Y size and font size. This
+function will allow you to set all sizes for a widget or a group of widget.
+Unit: percents (screen)
+int raydium_gui_window_create(char *name, GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat sizex, GLfloat sizey);
+Obviously, this function will create a new window. This window will take focus
+and overlap any previous window.
+##px## and ##py## for X and Y position on the screen, and ##sizex## and ##sizey##
+for sizes, obviously.
+Unit: percents (screen)
+int raydium_gui_internal_object_create(char *name, int window, char type, GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat sizex, GLfloat sizey, GLfloat font_size);
+Internal use.
+int raydium_gui_button_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption, void *OnClick);
+This function will create a new button, with ##name## and with ##window## for
+You need to provide a ##caption## ("title") and a OnClick callback function.
+This callback must follow this prototype:
+%%(c)void btnButtonClick(raydium_gui_Object *w)%%
+You can find ##raydium_gui_Object## structure declaration in ##raydium/gui.h##,
+if needed.
+Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
+int raydium_gui_button_create_simple(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption);
+Same as above, but no OnClick callback function is asked. This type of button 
+is "readable" thru ##raydium_gui_button_clicked##.
+int raydium_gui_label_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption, GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b);
+This function will create a new label, with ##name## and with ##window## for
+You need to provide a ##caption## ("title") and an RGB color (0..1 interval)
+Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
+int raydium_gui_track_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, int min, int max, int current);
+This function will create a new trackbar, with ##name## and with ##window## for
+You need to provide a ##min## interger value, a ##max## and ##current## value.
+Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
+int raydium_gui_edit_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *default_text);
+This function will create a new edit box, with ##name## and with ##window## 
+for parent. 
+You may provide a default text (or an empty string), if needed. Unless all
+others Raydium's data, max string length is ##RAYDIUM_GUI_DATASIZE## and
+not ##RAYDIUM_MAX_NAME_LEN##, since this component may handle bigger strings.
+See ##raydium/gui.h## for more informations.
+Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
+int raydium_gui_check_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption, char checked);
+This function will create a new check box, with ##name## and with ##window## 
+for parent. 
+You need to provide a ##caption## ("title") and a boolean state (checked or not).
+Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
+int raydium_gui_combo_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *items, int current);
+This function will create a new edit box, with ##name## and with ##window## 
+for parent. 
+##items## is a string, using '\n' as a separator. It's allowed to create an
+empty item.
+##current## is the default selected item in ##items##. (first = 0)
+Unless all others Raydium's data, max string length is ##RAYDIUM_GUI_DATASIZE## 
+and not ##RAYDIUM_MAX_NAME_LEN##, since this component may handle bigger
+strings. See ##raydium/gui.h## for more informations.
+Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
+int raydium_gui_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+Use this function to get ##widget##'s state (for ##window##).
+This function will always return this information thru two variable:
+an integer (returned value) and a string (##str##).
+This information is specific to ##widget##'s type (checked or not for a
+checkbox, current choice for a combo, current string for an edit box, ...)
+Please, note ##str## must be allocated before function call. This is also
+the case for PHP scripts :
+$str=str_pad("",256); // "pre-alloc"
+echo "value=$val, string='$str'";
+int raydium_gui_read_name(char *window, char *widget, char *str);
+Same as above, but ##window## and ##widget## are resolved thru names, and
+not numeric id.
+int raydium_gui_button_clicked(void);
+This function will return the id of the last clicked button,
+or -1 if none were clicked.
+The id is built like this : ##window * 1000 + widget_id##
+Usefull for PHP scripts, since it's not possible to create callback for
+buttons with RayPHP.