Index: gui.h
--- gui.h	(revision 339)
+++ gui.h	(revision 340)
@@ -43,171 +43,171 @@
 You must set current theme before any of this operations (see below).
-void raydium_gui_window_init(int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_window_init(int window);
 Internal use. Will reset ##window##.
-void raydium_gui_init(void);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_init(void);
 Internal use. Will init all GUI API. Called once by Raydium.
-void raydium_gui_theme_init(void);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_theme_init(void);
 Internal use. Will init theme.
-int raydium_gui_theme_load(char *filename);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_theme_load(char *filename);
 This function will load and set current theme (".gui" files). You must load
 a theme by yourself, since Raydium will never do it for you.
 This function must be called before GUI building.
-signed char raydium_gui_window_isvalid(int i);
+__rayapi signed char raydium_gui_window_isvalid(int i);
 Mostly internal. Will check if ##i## window is valid.
-int raydium_gui_window_find(char *name);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_window_find(char *name);
 Will search ##name## window's numeric id.
-signed char raydium_gui_widget_isvalid(int i, int window);
+__rayapi signed char raydium_gui_widget_isvalid(int i, int window);
 Mostly internal. Will check if ##i## widget of ##window## is valid.
-int raydium_gui_widget_find(char *name, int window);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_widget_find(char *name, int window);
 Will search ##name## widget numeric id (for ##window##).
-void raydium_gui_widget_next(void);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_widget_next(void);
 Mostly internal. Cycle focus.
-void raydium_gui_widget_draw_internal(GLfloat *uv, GLfloat *xy);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_widget_draw_internal(GLfloat *uv, GLfloat *xy);
 Internal use. Generic drawing function.
-void raydium_gui_button_draw(int w, int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_button_draw(int w, int window);
 Internal use.
-void raydium_gui_track_draw(int w, int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_track_draw(int w, int window);
 Internal use.
-void raydium_gui_label_draw(int w, int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_label_draw(int w, int window);
 Internal use.
-void raydium_gui_edit_draw(int w, int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_edit_draw(int w, int window);
 Internal use.
-void raydium_gui_check_draw(int w, int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_check_draw(int w, int window);
 Internal use.
-void raydium_gui_combo_draw(int w, int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_combo_draw(int w, int window);
 Internal use.
-void raydium_gui_zone_draw(int w, int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_zone_draw(int w, int window);
 Internal use.
-void raydium_gui_window_draw(int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_window_draw(int window);
 Internal use.
-void raydium_gui_draw(void);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_draw(void);
 Internal use. GUI drawing callback.
-int raydium_gui_button_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_button_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
 Internal use. Button read accessor (dummy).
-int raydium_gui_label_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_label_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
 Internal use. Label read accessor (dummy).
-int raydium_gui_track_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_track_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
 Internal use. Track read accessor.
-int raydium_gui_edit_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_edit_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
 Internal use. Edit read accessor.
-int raydium_gui_check_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_check_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
 Internal use. Check read accessor.
-int raydium_gui_combo_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_combo_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
 Internal use. Combo read accessor.
-int raydium_gui_zone_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_zone_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
 Internal use. Zone read accessor.
-void raydium_gui_show(void);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_show(void);
 Will show current built GUI.
-void raydium_gui_hide(void);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_hide(void);
 Will hide current built GUI. This is the default state.
-signed char raydium_gui_isvisible(void);
+__rayapi signed char raydium_gui_isvisible(void);
 Will return current visibility of GUI.
-void raydium_gui_window_delete(int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_window_delete(int window);
 Will delete ##window##. No further access to widgets is possible.
-void raydium_gui_window_delete_name(char *window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_window_delete_name(char *window);
 Same as above, but using ##window##'s name.
-void raydium_gui_widget_sizes(GLfloat sizex, GLfloat sizey, GLfloat font_size);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_widget_sizes(GLfloat sizex, GLfloat sizey, GLfloat font_size);
 Each widget is created using 3 size: X size, Y size and font size. This
 function will allow you to set all sizes for a widget or a group of widget.
 Unit: percents (screen)
-int raydium_gui_window_create(char *name, GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat sizex, GLfloat sizey);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_window_create(char *name, GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat sizex, GLfloat sizey);
 Obviously, this function will create a new window. This window will take focus
 and overlap any previous window.
@@ -216,14 +216,14 @@
 Unit: percents (screen)
-int raydium_gui_internal_object_create(char *name, int window, signed char type, GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat sizex, GLfloat sizey, GLfloat font_size);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_internal_object_create(char *name, int window, signed char type, GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat sizex, GLfloat sizey, GLfloat font_size);
 Internal use.
 Small (and ugly) tip: you can build many widgets with the same name, prefixing
 the name with '*'.
-int raydium_gui_button_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption, void *OnClick);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_button_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption, void *OnClick);
 This function will create a new button, with ##name## and with ##window## for
@@ -236,14 +236,14 @@
 Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
-int raydium_gui_button_create_simple(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_button_create_simple(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption);
 Same as above, but no OnClick callback function is asked. This type of button 
 is "readable" thru ##raydium_gui_button_clicked()##.
-int raydium_gui_label_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption, GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_label_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption, GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b);
 This function will create a new label, with ##name## and with ##window## for
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
 Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
-int raydium_gui_track_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, int min, int max, int current);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_track_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, int min, int max, int current);
 This function will create a new trackbar, with ##name## and with ##window## for
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
 Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
-int raydium_gui_edit_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *default_text);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_edit_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *default_text);
 This function will create a new edit box, with ##name## and with ##window## 
 for parent. 
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
 Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
-int raydium_gui_check_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption, signed char checked);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_check_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *caption, signed char checked);
 This function will create a new check box, with ##name## and with ##window## 
 for parent. 
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
 Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
-int raydium_gui_combo_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *items, int current);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_combo_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, char *items, int current);
 This function will create a new edit box, with ##name## and with ##window## 
 for parent. 
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
 Unit for position (##px## and ##py##): percents (**window**)
-int raydium_gui_zone_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat sx, GLfloat sy, int tag, void *OnClick);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_zone_create(char *name, int window,  GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat sx, GLfloat sy, int tag, void *OnClick);
 This function will create a "zone" with ##name## and with ##window## for
 parent. A zone will act like a button, but  will highlight a rectangular area 
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
 Unit for position/size (##px##, ##py##, ##sx## and ##sy##): percents (**window**)
-int raydium_gui_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_read(int window, int widget, char *str);
 Use this function to get ##widget##'s state (for ##window##).
 This function will always return this information thru two variable:
@@ -324,19 +324,19 @@
-int raydium_gui_read_name(char *window, char *widget, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_read_name(char *window, char *widget, char *str);
 Same as above, but ##window## and ##widget## are resolved thru names, and
 not numeric id.
-int raydium_gui_read_widget(raydium_gui_Object *w, char *str);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_read_widget(raydium_gui_Object *w, char *str);
 Same as ##raydium_gui_read()##, but using a ##raydium_gui_Object## pointer.
 Useful for button callbacks, for example.
-int raydium_gui_button_clicked(void);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_button_clicked(void);
 This function will return the id of the last clicked button,
 or -1 if none were clicked.
@@ -345,18 +345,18 @@
 buttons with RayPHP.
-int raydium_gui_list_id(char *item, char *list);
+__rayapi int raydium_gui_list_id(char *item, char *list);
 This function will return ##item##'s id in ##list##. Returns -1 if not found.
 Useful for combo index, for example.
-void raydium_gui_widget_focus(int widget, int window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_widget_focus(int widget, int window);
 Sets focus on ##widget## for ##window##.
-void raydium_gui_widget_focus_name(char *widget, char *window);
+__rayapi void raydium_gui_widget_focus_name(char *widget, char *window);
 Same as above, but using widget and window names