Index: ode_net.h
--- ode_net.h	(revision 34)
+++ ode_net.h	(revision 35)
@@ -1,25 +1,182 @@
 #ifndef _ODE_NET_H
 #define _ODE_NET_H
+RayODE network layer
+// Introduction
+Physics engines are extremely powerful tools, but it turns to nightmares when
+the application must be networked. RayODE API provides its own network layer,
+using Raydium lower level network API. And the great thing is that you've
+almost anything to do !
+Just choose the best "send" function and let Raydium do the rest.
+RayODE Net will use udp streams, netcall (RPC), smart timeouts, predictions, 
+dead reckoning, and many others voodoo things. Just trust.
+A few things about internals:
+- NID: Network ID. Every networked element have a NID.
+- Distant elements are localy created using static elements, owned by
+an object called "##DISTANT##".
+- ##raydium_ode_network_maxfreq## defines the paquet sending frequency. By
+default, this value is ##RAYDIUM_ODE_NETWORK_MAXFREQ##, but you can use
+##--ode-rate## command line switch.
+- No rotation prediction is done.
+- See ##config.h## if you want to disable prediction (##ODE_PREDICTION##) or
+to debug RayODE Net (##DEBUG_ODENET##, **very** verbose !).
+- Explosions are also automatically managed by RayODE Net.
+- **Do NOT use** Raydium lower level network API when using RayODE Net. Use 
+netcalls, propags and so on.
+Nothing is said here about how to create a RayODE Net server. There's only
+a few more things to do if you already have a standard server, but since it's 
+unsupported for now, you must have a look to existing RayODE Net servers.
 extern int raydium_ode_network_MaxElementsPerPacket (void);
+This function will return how many elements may be sent with
+current packet size (see ##common.h##).
 extern int raydium_network_nid_element_find (int nid);
+Internal. Find wich element have ##nid##.
 extern void raydium_ode_network_newdel_event (int type, char *buff);
+Internal. NEWDEL netcall event.
+NEWDEL is fired when a new element is created or deleted somewhere in the
 extern void raydium_ode_network_nidwho_event (int type, char *buff);
+Internal. NIDWHO netcall event.
+NIDWHO is sent when someone received some "update" informations about a
+nid, but didn't received previous NEWDEL informations for this nid.
+The nid owner will send a reply.
+Most reasons for this are:
+- We are a new client and we dont known anything about the whole scene.
+- The NEWDEL packet was lost ("TCP style" packets may be lost too ...)
+NIDWHO answer will be used by every peer to refresh its own copy of the
+element informations (geometry type, mesh, size and tag).
 extern void raydium_ode_network_explosion_event (int type, char *buff);
+Internal explosion netcall event.(##RAYDIUM_ODE_NETWORK_EXPLOSION_EXPL## and
 extern void raydium_ode_network_init (void);
+Internal. Will initialize all RayODE Net layer and register netcalls.
 extern char raydium_ode_network_TimeToSend (void);
+Almost internal. Will return 1 (true) if it's time to send a new packet, using
+##raydium_ode_network_maxfreq## value.
 extern void raydium_ode_network_element_send (short nelems, int *e);
+Will send all elements of ##e## array to network. You must provide array lenght 
+using ##nelems##.
+To "time to send ?" test is done, you'll probably have to do it yourself.
 extern void raydium_ode_network_element_send_all (void);
+Will try to send all elements to network. Warning, packet size may be to
+small to send all elements !..
 extern void raydium_ode_network_element_send_random (int nelems);
+Will send randomly chosen elements to network. You must provide how many 
+elements you want with ##nelems##, but RAYDIUM_ODE_NETWORK_OPTIMAL is
 extern void raydium_ode_network_element_send_iterative (int nelems);
+Will send elements to network, iteratively chose. You must provide how many 
+elements you want with ##nelems##, but RAYDIUM_ODE_NETWORK_OPTIMAL is
 extern void raydium_ode_network_nidwho (int nid);
+Internal. Will ask for informations for ##nid## (see above).
+NID sending frequency is now limited, since a lot of overhead was generated
+when new clients were joining a "big" network.
 extern void raydium_ode_network_apply (raydium_ode_network_Event * ev);
+Internal. This callback is fired when new data is received. A lot of things
+are done here (timeouts, dead reckoning, ...)
 extern void raydium_ode_network_read (void);
+Internal. Reads new packets, if any.
 extern void raydium_ode_network_element_new (int e);
+Internal. Send a new element to network.
 extern void raydium_ode_network_element_delete (int e);
+Internal. Send "delete event" to network, since we're deleting one of "our" elements.
 extern void raydium_ode_network_explosion_send (raydium_ode_network_Explosion * exp);
+Internal. Send a new explosion event.
 extern char raydium_ode_network_element_isdistant (int elem);
+Will return true (1) if element ##elem## is "distant", or false (0) if it's
+one of "our" elements.
 extern char raydium_ode_network_element_isdistant_name (char *elem);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern char raydium_ode_network_element_distantowner(int elem);
+Returns UID (peer "user" ID) for the distant element owner. See ##network.c##
+documentation for more informations about UID.
 extern char raydium_ode_network_element_distantowner_name(char *elem);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_network_element_trajectory_correct (int elem);
+Internal. Applies dead reckoning values to element.
+extern void raydium_ode_network_elment_next_local(void);
+Call this function when you don't want that the next created element is sent
+to network ("local only" element).