Index: osd.h
--- osd.h	(revision 0)
+++ osd.h	(revision 1)
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#ifndef _OSD_H
+#define _OSD_H
+OSD (On Screen Display)
+// Introduction
+Raydium provides some high level function for "On Screen Display", 
+as string drawing (2D and 3D), application's logo, mouse cursor, and other
+various 2D displaying tools.
+In most cases, these functions must be called after any other object
+drawing function, to avoid overlapping problems.
+Most functions will use a percentage system, and origin is at lower-left corner.
+extern void raydium_osd_color_change (GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b);
+This function will change the font color for the next ##raydium_osd_printf*## 
+As usual: 0 <= (##r##,##g## and ##b##) <= 1.
+extern void raydium_osd_alpha_change (GLfloat a);
+Same as above, but will change font transparency.
+extern void raydium_osd_color_rgba (GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b, GLfloat a);
+This is a mix of ##raydium_osd_color_change## and ##raydium_osd_alpha_change##.
+extern void raydium_osd_color_ega (char hexa);
+This function will change font color with the corresponding 
+##hexa##decimal code (as a char: '0' to 'F') in the standard EGA palette.
+Here is this palette:
+<div class="table" align="center">
+<table class="tableListing" summary=" " cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="1">
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> <b>Hexa</b> </td><td class="wiki"> <b>Color</b> </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 0 </td><td class="wiki"> Black </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 1 </td><td class="wiki"> Blue </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 2 </td><td class="wiki"> Green </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 3 </td><td class="wiki"> Cyan </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 4 </td><td class="wiki"> Red </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 5 </td><td class="wiki"> Purple </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 6 </td><td class="wiki"> Brown </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 7 </td><td class="wiki"> White </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 8 </td><td class="wiki"> Grey </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> 9 </td><td class="wiki"> Light Blue </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> A </td><td class="wiki"> Light Green </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> B </td><td class="wiki"> Light Cyan </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> C </td><td class="wiki"> Light Red </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> D </td><td class="wiki"> Light Purple </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> E </td><td class="wiki"> Light Yellow </td></tr>
+<tr class="wiki"><td class="wiki"> F </td><td class="wiki"> Light White </td></tr>
+extern void raydium_osd_start (void);
+Mostly for internal uses. (will configure screen for OSD operations)
+extern void raydium_osd_stop (void);
+Mostly for internal uses. (see above)
+extern void raydium_osd_draw (int tex, GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2);
+Will draw ##tex## texture using (##x1##,##y1##) and (##x2##,##y2##) points.
+extern void raydium_osd_draw_name (char *tex, GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2);
+Same as above, but using texture filename.
+extern void raydium_osd_printf (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat size, GLfloat spacer, char *texture, unsigned char *format, ...);
+This function is an OpenGL equivalent to the standard "printf" C function.
+- (##x##,##y##) is the position of the text's beginning, as a screen 
+percentage, with origin at lower left.
+- ##size## is the font size, using an arbitrary unit. This size is always 
+proportionnal to frame size (font size will grow up with screen size,
+in other words).
+- ##spacer## is the factor of spacing between 2 consecutive letters. With 
+standard fonts, 0.5 is a correct value (relatively condensed text).
+- ##texture## is obviously the texture filename to use (font*.tga are 
+often provided with Raydium distribution, and by R3S).
+- ##format## is the standard printf format string, followed by 
+corresponding arguments: ##"^9Player ^Fname is: %10s", player_name##
+This format can use '^' char to change color text, followed by a color, 
+indicated by a hexadecimal letter (EGA palette). See ##raydium_osd_color_ega##
+function, above.
+Here you are a simple example:
+strcpy(version,"^Ctest 0.1^F");
+raydium_osd_printf(2,98,16,0.5,"font2.tga","- %3i FPS - tech demo %s for Raydium %s, CQFD Corp.",
+                   raydium_render_fps,version,raydium_version);
+extern void raydium_osd_printf_3D (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat size, GLfloat spacer, char *texture, unsigned char *format, ...);
+Same as above, but you can place your text in your application 3D space, 
+using ##x##, ##y## and ##z## values.
+extern void raydium_osd_logo (char *texture);
+Will draw a logo for the current frame with texture filename.
+For now, you've no control over rotation speed of the logo.
+extern void raydium_osd_cursor_set (char *texture, GLfloat xsize, GLfloat ysize);
+This function will set mouse cursor with texture filename and 
+with (##xsize##,##ysize##) size (percent of screen size).
+You should use a RGB**A** texture for better results.
+extern void raydium_osd_cursor_draw (void);
+Internal use.
+extern void raydium_osd_internal_vertex (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat top);
+Internal use.
+extern void raydium_osd_network_stat_draw (GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat size);
+Will draw network stats (if available) in a box.
+%%(c) raydium_osd_network_stat_draw(5,30,20); %%
+extern void raydium_osd_mask (GLfloat * color4);
+Will draw a uniform mask using ##color4## (RGBA color) for this frame.
+extern void raydium_osd_fade_callback (void);
+Internal use.
+extern void raydium_osd_fade_init (void);
+Internal use.
+extern void raydium_osd_fade_from (GLfloat * from4, GLfloat * to4, GLfloat time_len, void *OnFadeEnd);
+This function will configure a fading mask from ##from4## color to ##to4##.
+This fade will last ##time_len## seconds, and will call ##OnFadeEnd## callback
+when finished.
+This callback signature must be ##void callback(void)##.
+A standard fade-to-black-and-restore example:
+// back to normal rendering
+void restorefade(void)
+   GLfloat from[4]={0,0,0,2};
+   GLfloat to[4]={0,0,0,0};
+   raydium_osd_fade_from(from,to,1,NULL);
+   // do things (like moving camera to another place, for example).
+// If space key : fade to black
+    {
+    GLfloat from[4]={0,0,0,0};
+    GLfloat to[4]={0,0,0,1};
+    raydium_osd_fade_from(from,to,0.3,restorefade);
+    }