Index: joy.c
--- joy.c	(revision 0)
+++ joy.c	(revision 1)
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+    Raydium - CQFD Corp.
+    License: GPL - GNU General Public License, see "gpl.txt" file.
+#include "index.h"
+#include "headers/joy.h"
+// proto
+int raydium_init_cli_option_default(char *option, char *value, char *default_value);
+// This file needs a lot of work, again ...
+// (will use Glut for windows joy support soon ...)
+//#define joy_debug 1			//do we display debug infos ?
+#define JS_EVENT_BUTTON         0x01    /* button pressed/released */
+#define JS_EVENT_AXIS           0x02    /* joystick moved */
+#define JS_EVENT_INIT           0x80    /* initial state of device */
+			// function                     3rd arg
+#define JSIOCGAXES      // get number of axes           char
+#define JSIOCGBUTTONS   // get number of buttons        char
+#define JSIOCGVERSION   // get driver version           int
+#define JSIOCGNAME(len) // get identifier string        char
+#define JSIOCSCORR      // set correction values        &js_corr
+#define JSIOCGCORR      // get correction values        &js_corr
+//int joy;				//file handle
+char number_of_axes,number_of_buttons;	//self explaining ;)
+//struct input_event play;
+//struct input_event stop;
+//struct ff_effect effect;
+int raydium_joy_event_handle;
+#ifndef WIN32
+struct ff_effect effect_tremble;
+char effect_tremble_state=0;
+clock_t last_event;
+void raydium_joy_init_vars(void)
+void raydium_joy_key_emul(void)
+if(raydium_joy) return;
+if(raydium_key[GLUT_KEY_UP]) raydium_joy_y=1.f;
+if(raydium_key[GLUT_KEY_DOWN]) raydium_joy_y=-1.f;
+if(raydium_key[GLUT_KEY_LEFT]) raydium_joy_x=-1.f;
+if(raydium_key[GLUT_KEY_RIGHT]) raydium_joy_x=1.f;
+#ifndef WIN32
+int raydium_joy_process_event(struct js_event e)
+    switch(e.type)
+    {
+        case JS_EVENT_BUTTON:
+		    if(e.value==1)
+		    {
+			raydium_joy_click=e.number+1;
+			raydium_joy_button[e.number]=e.value;
+			#ifdef joy_debug
+			raydium_log("Button %d pushed",e.number);
+			#endif
+		    }
+		    else
+		    {
+			raydium_joy_button[e.number]=e.value;
+		    }
+        	    break;
+        case JS_EVENT_AXIS:
+		    #ifdef joy_debug
+		    raydium_log("Axis Moved: %i",e.value);
+		    #endif
+		    //here we invert values from the y axis: we want 
+		    //1 for up and -1 for down
+			if(e.value<0)
+			{
+		          #ifdef joy_debug
+			   if(e.number==1)raydium_log("Up");
+			   if(e.number==0)raydium_log("Left");
+			  #endif
+			  if(e.number==2)
+			  {
+			   raydium_joy_z=e.value/(float)32767*-1;
+			  }
+			  if(e.number==1)
+			  {
+			   raydium_joy_y=e.value/(float)32767*-1;
+			  }
+			  if(e.number==0)
+			  {
+			   raydium_joy_x=e.value/(float)32767;
+			  }
+			}
+			if(e.value>0)
+			{
+			  #ifdef joy_debug
+			   if(e.number==1)raydium_log("Down");
+			   if(e.number==0)raydium_log("Right");
+			  #endif
+			  if(e.number==2)
+			  {
+			   raydium_joy_z=e.value/(float)32767*-1;
+			  }
+			  if(e.number==1)
+			  {
+			   raydium_joy_y=e.value/(float)32767*-1;
+			  }
+			  if(e.number==0)
+			  {
+			   raydium_joy_x=e.value/(float)32767;
+			  }
+			}
+			if(e.value==0)
+			{
+			  if(e.number==1)
+			  {
+			   raydium_joy_y=0.0;
+			  }
+			  if(e.number==0)
+			  {
+			   raydium_joy_x=0.0;
+			  }
+		 	}
+		    break;
+        case JS_EVENT_INIT:
+		    //raydium_log("Joystick returned its initial state\n");
+        	    break;
+    }
+    return(e.type);
+void raydium_joy_callback(void)
+#ifndef WIN32
+ struct js_event e;			//structure for storing an event
+	if(!raydium_joy) { raydium_joy_init_vars(); return; }
+	raydium_joy_click=0;	
+	while (read (raydium_joy, &e, sizeof(struct js_event)) > 0)
+	{
+            raydium_joy_process_event (e);
+	    //raydium_log("joy_DEBUG number:%d, value:%d",e.number,e.value);
+        }
+void raydium_joy_ff_autocenter(int perc)
+#ifndef WIN32
+struct input_event ie;
+if(raydium_joy_event_handle<0) return;
+ie.type = EV_FF;
+ie.code = FF_AUTOCENTER;
+ie.value = 0xFFFFUL * perc / 100;
+if (write(raydium_joy_event_handle, &ie, sizeof(ie)) == -1)
+        perror("set auto-center");
+void raydium_joy_init(void)
+ int ret;					//test var for ioctls
+ char name[128];				//driver String (and temp things)
+int autocenter=5;         /* default value. between 0 and 100 */
+	raydium_joy_init_vars();
+#ifndef WIN32
+	raydium_init_cli_option_default("joydev",name,"/dev/js0");
+	raydium_joy=open(name,O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK);
+	raydium_init_cli_option_default("evdev",name,"/dev/input/event0");
+	raydium_joy_event_handle = open(name, O_RDWR);
+	if(raydium_joy_event_handle==-1) 
+	  raydium_log("%s: cannot open (rw), no Force Feedback.",name);
+	last_event=clock();
+	raydium_joy_ff_autocenter(autocenter);
+	if(raydium_joy==-1)
+	{
+		raydium_log("joy: FAILED\n\t ERROR opening /dev/js0");
+		raydium_joy=0;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		raydium_log("joy: OK\n\t Cool, we have a joystick");
+		//raydium_joy=1;
+	}
+	if(raydium_joy)
+	{
+		ret=ioctl (raydium_joy,JSIOCGNAME(sizeof(name)),name);
+		if(ret==-1)
+		{
+	    		raydium_log("Error reading joystick driver's signature");
+	    		strncpy(name,"Unknown",sizeof(name));
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    	raydium_log("Joystick driver's signature: %s",name);
+		}
+		ret=ioctl (raydium_joy,JSIOCGAXES,&number_of_axes);
+		if(ret==-1)
+		{
+	    		raydium_log("Error reading number of axes");
+		}
+		else
+		{
+	    		raydium_log("This joystick has %d axes",number_of_axes);
+		}
+		ret=ioctl (raydium_joy,JSIOCGBUTTONS,&number_of_buttons);
+		if(ret==-1)
+		{
+	    		raydium_log("Error reading number of buttons");
+		}
+		else
+		{
+	    		raydium_log("This joystick has %d buttons",number_of_buttons);
+		}
+	}
+    raydium_log("joy: FAILED\n\t No Joy support under Win32 yet");
+void raydium_joy_close(void)
+	if(raydium_joy)	close(raydium_joy);
+void raydium_joy_ff(void)
+//memset(&effect,0,sizeof(struct ff_effect));
+// effect.type=FF_CONSTANT;
+// effect.u.constant.level=0xEFF0;
+// effect.u.constant.direction=0x2000;
+// effect.replay.length=65535;
+// effect.u.constant.shape.attack_length=40000;
+// effect.u.constant.shape.attack_level=0x8888;
+// effect.u.constant.shape.fade_length=20000;
+// effect.u.constant.shape.fade_level=0x2222;
+/*	effect.type = FF_SPRING;
+	effect.u.interactive.direction=0x4000;
+	effect.u.interactive.right_saturation = 32767;
+	effect.u.interactive.left_saturation = 32767;
+	effect.u.interactive.right_coeff = 32767;
+	effect.u.interactive.left_coeff = 32767;
+	effect.u.interactive.deadband = 0x0;
+ = 0x0;*/
+//    effect.type = FF_PERIODIC;
+#define FF_SQUARE	0x58
+#define FF_TRIANGLE	0x59
+#define FF_SINE		0x5a
+#define FF_SAW_UP	0x5b
+#define FF_SAW_DOWN	0x5c
+#define FF_CUSTOM	0x5d
+/*    effect.u.periodic.waveform=FF_TRIANGLE;
+    effect.u.periodic.period=50;
+    effect.u.periodic.magnitude=16000;
+    effect.u.periodic.direction=0x4000;*/
+// raydium_log("upload effect valeur=%d", ioctl(fd, EVIOCSFF, &effect));
+// perror("merde:");
+// play.type = EV_FF;
+// play.code =;
+// play.value = 10000;
+// write(fd, (const void*) &play, sizeof(play));
+/* stop.type = EV_FF;
+ stop.code =;
+ stop.value = 0;
+ write(fd, (const void*) &play, sizeof(stop));*/
+//raydium_log("remove effectvaleur=%d", ioctl(fd, EVIOCRMFF,;
+void raydium_joy_ff_tremble_set(GLfloat period, GLfloat force)
+#ifndef WIN32
+struct input_event play;
+struct input_event stop;
+if (clock() < last_event + CLOCKS_PER_SEC/10)
+ stop.type = EV_FF;
+ stop.code =;
+ stop.value = 0;
+ write(raydium_joy_event_handle, (const void*) &stop, sizeof(stop));
+// perror("ff: stop tremble");
+ ioctl(raydium_joy_event_handle, EVIOCRMFF,;
+// perror("ff: free tremble");
+memset(&effect_tremble,0,sizeof(struct ff_effect));
+effect_tremble.type = FF_PERIODIC;
+//effect_tremble.u.periodic.direction=0x4000; // NEED SOME WORK HERE !!
+ioctl(raydium_joy_event_handle, EVIOCSFF, &effect_tremble);
+//perror("ff: upload tremble");
+play.type = EV_FF;
+play.code =;
+play.value = 1;
+write(raydium_joy_event_handle, (const void*) &play, sizeof(play));
+//perror("ff: play tremble");
+//printf("ff event refreshed\n");