Index: math.c
--- math.c	(revision 737)
+++ math.c	(revision 738)
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+    Raydium - CQFD Corp.
+    Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+    See "license.txt" file.
+#include "index.h"
+#include "headers/math.h"
+GLfloat raydium_math_cos(GLfloat i)
+return( (GLfloat)cos(i*PI/180) );
+GLfloat raydium_math_sin(GLfloat i)
+return( (GLfloat)sin(i*PI/180) );
+GLfloat raydium_math_cos_inv(GLfloat i)
+GLfloat raydium_math_sin_inv(GLfloat i)
+void raydium_math_rotate(GLfloat *p, GLfloat rx, GLfloat ry, GLfloat rz, GLfloat *res)
+res[0]= (p[0]*raydium_math_cos(ry)+(p[2]*raydium_math_cos(rx)+p[1]*raydium_math_sin(rx))*raydium_math_sin(ry))*raydium_math_cos(rz) + (p[1]*raydium_math_cos(rx)-p[2]*raydium_math_sin(rx))*raydium_math_sin(rz);
+res[1]=-(p[0]*raydium_math_cos(ry)+(p[2]*raydium_math_cos(rx)+p[1]*raydium_math_sin(rx))*raydium_math_sin(ry))*raydium_math_sin(rz) + (p[1]*raydium_math_cos(rx)-p[2]*raydium_math_sin(rx))*raydium_math_cos(rz);
+res[2]= (p[2]*raydium_math_cos(rx)+ p[1]*raydium_math_sin(rx))*raydium_math_cos(ry)-p[0]*raydium_math_sin(ry);
+// pos: GLfloat[3], m: GLfloat[16]
+void raydium_math_pos_to_matrix(GLfloat *pos, GLfloat *m)
+m[0+4*0] = 1; m[0+4*1] = 0; m[0+4*2] = 0; m[0+4*3] = pos[0];
+m[1+4*0] = 0; m[1+4*1] = 1; m[1+4*2] = 0; m[1+4*3] = pos[1];
+m[2+4*0] = 0; m[2+4*1] = 0; m[2+4*2] = 1; m[2+4*3] = pos[2];
+m[3+4*0] = 0; m[3+4*1] = 0; m[3+4*2] = 0; m[3+4*3] = 1;
+// res: GLfloat[3]
+void raydium_math_pos_get_modelview(GLfloat *res)
+GLfloat tmp[16];
+/* Unfinished !
+// pos == res is safe
+void raydium_trigo_carth_to_sphere(GLfloat *pos, GLfloat *res)
+GLfloat r,G,T;
+r=sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1]*pos[1] + pos[2]*pos[2]);
+    res[0]=-r*cos(G);
+    res[0]=+r*cos(G);
+    res[0]=-r*sin(T)*cos(G);
+    res[0]=r*sin(T)*cos(G);
+if(isnan(res[0])) res[0]=0;
+if(isnan(res[1])) res[1]=0;
+if(isnan(res[2])) res[2]=0;
+int raydium_math_pow2_next(int value)
+int pows[]={0,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536};
+int pows_count=17; // 16 + first (0)
+int i;
+if(value>65536 || value<0)
+    {
+    raydium_log("trigo: value is outside of limits of this ugly function :/");
+    }
+    if(pows[i]>=value)
+        return pows[i];
+// should never hit this point
+raydium_log("trigo: raydium_math_pow2_next: ?!!");
+return -1;
+/** function which returns the determinant of a given matrix */
+double raydium_matrix_determinant(matrix4x4 matrix)
+        return raydium_matrix_internal_determinant(matrix,4);
+/**  function which returns the adjoint of a given matrix.      */
+matrix4x4 raydium_matrix_adjoint(matrix4x4 matrix)
+        return raydium_matrix_internal_adjoint(matrix,4);
+/* Function to find the product of two matrices   */
+/* beware: the order is important. matrix1xmatrix2 != matrix2xmatrix1*/
+matrix4x4 raydium_matrix_multiply(matrix4x4 matrix1, matrix4x4 matrix2)
+        return raydium_matrix_internal_multiply(matrix1,matrix2,4);
+/*  Function to find the inverse of a given matrix */
+matrix4x4 raydium_matrix_inverse(matrix4x4 matrix)
+        matrix4x4 matrix_adj;
+        double determinant;
+        determinant     =       raydium_matrix_determinant(matrix);
+        matrix_adj      =       raydium_matrix_adjoint(matrix);
+        return raydium_matrix_internal_inverse(matrix_adj, determinant, 4);
+/** Function which returns the determinant of a given matrix */
+double raydium_matrix_internal_determinant(matrix4x4 matrix, int dimension)
+        static int tot;
+  int    i, orig_mat_row, orig_mat_col, temp_mat_row, temp_mat_col;
+  double det;
+  matrix4x4 temp_matrix;
+  if(dimension == 2)
+  {
+    //det = ( (matrix.ray[0][0]) * (matrix.ray[1][1]) ) - ( (matrix.ray[0][1]) * (matrix.ray[1][0]) );
+          det = ( (matrix.ray[0]) * (matrix.ray[3]) ) - ( (matrix.ray[1]) * (matrix.ray[2]) );
+    return(det);
+  }
+  else {
+    for( i = 0; i <= dimension - 1; i++ ) {
+      temp_mat_row = 0;
+      temp_mat_col = 0;
+      for(orig_mat_row = 1; orig_mat_row <= dimension - 1; orig_mat_row++) {
+                                for(orig_mat_col = 0; orig_mat_col <= dimension - 1; orig_mat_col++) {
+                                if( orig_mat_col != i ) {
+                                //temp_matrix.ray[temp_mat_row][temp_mat_col] = matrix.ray[orig_mat_row][orig_mat_col];
+                                        temp_matrix.ray[(temp_mat_row*dimension)+temp_mat_col] = matrix.ray[(orig_mat_row*dimension)+orig_mat_col];
+                                temp_mat_col++;
+                                  }
+                                }
+                                temp_mat_row++;
+                                temp_mat_col = 0;
+      }
+      //det = (matrix.ray[0][i] * determinant(temp_matrix,dimension-1));
+          det = (matrix.ray[(0*dimension)+i] * raydium_matrix_internal_determinant(temp_matrix,dimension-1));
+      tot = tot + det * pow(-1,i+1);
+    }
+    return(-1 * tot);
+  }
+/**  Function which returns the adjoint of a given matrix.      */
+matrix4x4 raydium_matrix_internal_adjoint(matrix4x4 matrix, int dimension)
+  int row, col, orig_mat_row, orig_mat_col, temp_mat_row, temp_mat_col;
+  matrix4x4 temp_matrix, conjugate_matrix, transpose_matrix;
+  if(dimension == 2) {
+    //conjugate_matrix.ray[0][0] = matrix.ray[1][1];
+          conjugate_matrix.ray[0] = matrix.ray[3];
+    //conjugate_matrix.ray[0][1] = -1 * matrix.ray[0][1];
+          conjugate_matrix.ray[1] = -1 * matrix.ray[1];
+    //conjugate_matrix.ray[1][0] = -1 * matrix.ray[1][0];
+          conjugate_matrix.ray[2] = -1 * matrix.ray[2];
+    //conjugate_matrix.ray[1][1] = matrix.ray[0][0];
+          conjugate_matrix.ray[3] = matrix.ray[0];
+    return(conjugate_matrix);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    for(row = 0; row < dimension; row++)
+        {
+      for(col = 0; col < dimension; col++)
+          {     
+                                temp_mat_row = 0;
+                                temp_mat_col = 0;
+                                for(orig_mat_row = 0; orig_mat_row < dimension; orig_mat_row++)
+                                {
+                                        for(orig_mat_col = 0; orig_mat_col < dimension ; orig_mat_col++)
+                                        {
+                                        if(orig_mat_row != row && orig_mat_col != col)
+                                                {
+                                                //temp_matrix.ray[temp_mat_row][temp_mat_col] = matrix.ray[orig_mat_row][orig_mat_col];
+                                                        temp_matrix.ray[(temp_mat_row*dimension)+temp_mat_col] = matrix.ray[(orig_mat_row*dimension)+orig_mat_col];
+                                                temp_mat_col++;
+                                                }
+                                        }
+                                        if( temp_mat_col > (dimension - 2) )
+                                        {
+                                        temp_mat_row++;
+                                        temp_mat_col = 0;
+                                        }
+                                }
+                                //conjugate_matrix.ray[row][col] = determinant(temp_matrix,dimension - 1) * pow(-1,row+col+2);
+                                conjugate_matrix.ray[(row*dimension)+col] = raydium_matrix_internal_determinant(temp_matrix,dimension - 1) * pow(-1,row+col+2);
+      }
+        for(row = 0; row < dimension; row++)
+                {
+                for(col = 0; col < dimension; col++)
+                        {
+                                //transpose_matrix.ray[col][row] = conjugate_matrix.ray[row][col];
+                                transpose_matrix.ray[(col*dimension)+row] = conjugate_matrix.ray[(row*dimension)+col];
+                        }
+                }               
+        }
+        return(transpose_matrix);
+  }     
+/* Function to find the product of two matrices   */
+matrix4x4 raydium_matrix_internal_multiply(matrix4x4 matrix_one, matrix4x4 matrix_two, int dimension)
+  matrix4x4 result_matrix;
+  int i,j,k;
+  for(i=0;i<dimension;i++)
+  {
+    for(j=0;j<dimension;j++)
+        {       
+                //result_matrix.ray[i][j] = 0;
+                result_matrix.ray[(i*dimension)+j] = 0;
+                for(k=0;k<dimension;k++)
+                {
+                        //result_matrix.ray[i][j] = result_matrix.ray[i][j] + ( matrix_one.ray[i][k] * matrix_two.ray[k][j] );
+                        result_matrix.ray[(i*dimension)+j] = result_matrix.ray[(i*dimension)+j] + ( matrix_one.ray[(i*dimension)+k] * matrix_two.ray[(k*dimension)+j] );
+                }
+    }
+  }
+  return(result_matrix);
+/*  Function to find the inverse of a given matrix */
+// Fixme: code should be modified to take an ordinary matrix and call adjoint function itself.
+matrix4x4 raydium_matrix_internal_inverse(matrix4x4 adjoint_matrix,double det,int dimension)
+  int row, col;
+  matrix4x4 inverse_matrix;
+  for(row = 0; row < dimension; row++)
+    for(col = 0; col < dimension; col++)
+        {
+      //inverse_matrix.ray[row][col] = (adjoint_matrix.ray[row][col]) / det ;
+                inverse_matrix.ray[(row*dimension)+col] =  (adjoint_matrix.ray[(row*dimension)+col]) / det ;
+        }
+  return(inverse_matrix);
+// Our matrix_inverse seems broken. 
+// This code works, thanks to Alexander Zaprjagaev (
+int _raydium_math_MatrixInverse(const float *m,float *out) {
+    float   det;
+    det = m[0] * m[5] * m[10];
+    det += m[4] * m[9] * m[2];
+    det += m[8] * m[1] * m[6];
+    det -= m[8] * m[5] * m[2];
+    det -= m[4] * m[1] * m[10];
+    det -= m[0] * m[9] * m[6];
+    if(det * det < 1e-25) return 0;
+    det = 1.0 / det;    
+    out[0] =    (m[5] * m[10] - m[9] * m[6]) * det;
+    out[1] =  - (m[1] * m[10] - m[9] * m[2]) * det;
+    out[2] =    (m[1] * m[6] -  m[5] * m[2]) * det;
+    out[3] = 0.0;
+    out[4] =  - (m[4] * m[10] - m[8] * m[6]) * det;
+    out[5] =    (m[0] * m[10] - m[8] * m[2]) * det;
+    out[6] =  - (m[0] * m[6] -  m[4] * m[2]) * det;
+    out[7] = 0.0;
+    out[8] =    (m[4] * m[9] -  m[8] * m[5]) * det;
+    out[9] =  - (m[0] * m[9] -  m[8] * m[1]) * det;
+    out[10] =   (m[0] * m[5] -  m[4] * m[1]) * det;
+    out[11] = 0.0;
+    out[12] = - (m[12] * out[0] + m[13] * out[4] + m[14] * out[8]);
+    out[13] = - (m[12] * out[1] + m[13] * out[5] + m[14] * out[9]);
+    out[14] = - (m[12] * out[2] + m[13] * out[6] + m[14] * out[10]);
+    out[15] = 1.0;
+    return 1;
+void raydium_math_quaternion_normalize(float *quat)
+float magnitude;
+magnitude = sqrt((quat[0] * quat[0]) + (quat[1] * quat[1]) + (quat[2] * quat[2]) + (quat[3] * quat[3]));
+quat[0] /= magnitude;
+quat[1] /= magnitude;
+quat[2] /= magnitude;
+quat[3] /= magnitude;
+void raydium_math_quaternion_slerp(float *start, float *end, float alpha,float *result)
+float startWeight, endWeight, difference;
+difference = ((start[0] * end[0]) + (start[1] * end[1]) + (start[2] * end[2]) + (start[3] * end[3]));
+if ((1.0f - fabs(difference)) > SLERP_TO_LERP_SWITCH_THRESHOLD) 
+    {
+    float theta, oneOverSinTheta;
+    theta = acos(fabs(difference));
+    oneOverSinTheta = (1.0f / sin(theta));
+    startWeight = (sin(theta * (1.0f - alpha)) * oneOverSinTheta);
+    endWeight = (sin(theta * alpha) * oneOverSinTheta);
+    if (difference < 0.0f) 
+        {
+        startWeight = -startWeight;
+        }
+    } 
+    {
+    startWeight = (1.0f - alpha);
+    endWeight = alpha;
+    }
+result[0] = ((start[0] * startWeight) + (end[0] * endWeight));
+result[1] = ((start[1] * startWeight) + (end[1] * endWeight));
+result[2] = ((start[2] * startWeight) + (end[2] * endWeight));
+result[3] = ((start[3] * startWeight) + (end[3] * endWeight));