- Raydium :
http://raydium.cqfd-corp.org/data/raydi ... -21.tar.gz
- Documentation :
http://raydium.cqfd-corp.org/data/doc/R ... ce0680.pdf
- Win32 beta SDK :
- public SVN now available
- Augmented Reality (see website)
- new OSD textured mask functions
- Live API (video to texture, drawing to texture, ...)
- video playback (JPGS codec) with dedicated creation tool
- video movie capture is now done with JPEG files
- R3S now supports remote listing
- documentation: 'unsupported' tag
- particle scaling
- full API documentation ! (API reference guide is now complete)
- gen_bindings.php for automatic Python bindings
- gui: small combobox fix
- R3S upload small fix
- dynamic lightmap filters (see website)
- sound source fading
- internet detection function
- makedist.sh rewrited
Il faut aussi noter la toute récente disponibilité d'un SDK windows encore au stade beta (voir lien en haut d'article).
Have fun !