Index: kmz_2_tri.c
--- kmz_2_tri.c	(revision 1040)
+++ kmz_2_tri.c	(revision 1041)
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+    Raydium - CQFD Corp.
+    Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+    See "license.txt" file.
+// Google Sketchup Kmz file converter.
+// File->Export->3D Model select kmz file type.
+// use kmz_2_tri.php script.
+// Multi-texturing, Environnement Mapping not supported
+#include "raydium/index.c"
+// Until our MinGW supports scandir and alpha sort, let's use this hack.
+// (Badly) ported from Sparc64 release of MinGW ...
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+ * The DIRSIZ macro gives the minimum record length which will hold
+ * the directory entry.  This requires the amount of space in struct dirent
+ * without the d_name field, plus enough space for the name with a terminating
+ * null byte (dp->d_namlen+1), rounded up to a 4 byte boundary.
+ */
+#undef DIRSIZ
+#define DIRSIZ(dp) \
+    ((sizeof (struct dirent) - (_MAX_FNAME+1)) + (((dp)->d_namlen+1 + 3) &~ 3))
+#ifndef __P
+#define __P(args) ()
+scandir(dirname, namelist, select, dcomp)
+	const char *dirname;
+	struct dirent ***namelist;
+	int (*select) __P((struct dirent *));
+	int (*dcomp) __P((const void *, const void *));
+	register struct dirent *d, *p, **names;
+	register size_t nitems;
+	struct stat stb;
+	long arraysz;
+	DIR *dirp;
+	if ((dirp = opendir(dirname)) == NULL)
+		return(-1);
+	/*
+	 * estimate the array size by taking the size of the directory file
+	 * and dividing it by a multiple of the minimum size entry.
+	 */
+	arraysz = (stb.st_size / 24);
+	names = (struct dirent **)malloc(arraysz * sizeof(struct dirent *));
+	if (names == NULL)
+		return(-1);
+	nitems = 0;
+	while ((d = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
+		if (select != NULL && !(*select)(d))
+			continue;	/* just selected names */
+		/*
+		 * Make a minimum size copy of the data
+		 */
+		p = (struct dirent *)malloc(DIRSIZ(d));
+		if (p == NULL)
+			return(-1);
+		p->d_ino = d->d_ino;
+		p->d_reclen = d->d_reclen;
+		p->d_namlen = d->d_namlen;
+		strncpy(p->d_name, d->d_name,p->d_namlen + 1);
+		/*
+		 * Check to make sure the array has space left and
+		 * realloc the maximum size.
+		 */
+		if (++nitems >= arraysz) {
+			arraysz = stb.st_size / 12;
+			names = (struct dirent **)realloc((char *)names,
+				arraysz * sizeof(struct dirent *));
+			if (names == NULL)
+				return(-1);
+		}
+		names[nitems-1] = p;
+	}
+	closedir(dirp);
+	if (nitems && dcomp != NULL)
+		qsort(names, nitems, sizeof(struct dirent *), dcomp);
+	*namelist = names;
+	return(nitems);
+alphasort(const void *d1, const void *d2)
+	return (strcmp((*(const struct dirent *const *)d1)->d_name,
+	    (*(const struct dirent *const *)d2)->d_name));
+int kmz=1;
+int dae=1;
+void gui_main(void);
+GLfloat light_color[] = {1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 1.0};
+int handle;
+int wdae,wkmz;
+int filter(const struct dirent *ent)
+const char *name;
+raydium_file_ext(ext,(char *)name);
+    if (!strcmp(ext,"kmz"))
+        return 1;
+    if (!strcmp(ext,"dae"))
+        return 1;
+return 0;
+void refresh_list(char * list)
+struct dirent **namelist;
+int i,n;
+    n=scandir(".",&namelist,filter,alphasort);
+    if (n==0){
+        strcpy(list,"no file found");
+        return;
+    }
+    list[0]=0;
+    for(i=0;i<n;i++)
+    {
+        strcat(list,namelist[i]->d_name);
+        strcat(list,"\n");
+    }
+void loadclick(raydium_gui_Object *w)
+int handle;
+char kmzname[RAYDIUM_MAX_NAME_LEN];
+char triname[RAYDIUM_MAX_NAME_LEN];
+float scale=1;
+int verbose=0;
+    handle=raydium_gui_window_find("Model" );
+    raydium_gui_combo_read(handle, raydium_gui_widget_find("list",handle),kmzname);
+    //raydium_gui_read_name("Model","edtModelname",kmzname);
+    raydium_gui_read_name("Model","edtScale",tmp);
+    scale=atof(tmp);
+    verbose=raydium_gui_read_name("Model","edtVerbose",tmp);
+    if (verbose>0) verbose=4;
+    if (raydium_file_readable(kmzname))
+        {
+        raydium_register_variable(kmzname,RAYDIUM_REGISTER_STR,"file_name");
+        raydium_register_variable(&scale,RAYDIUM_REGISTER_FLOAT,"force_scale");
+        raydium_register_variable(&verbose,RAYDIUM_REGISTER_INT,"verbose");
+        raydium_file_basename(triname,kmzname);
+        strcpy(strrchr(triname,'.'),".tri");
+        raydium_php_exec("kmz_2_tri.php");
+        raydium_register_variable_unregister_last();
+        raydium_register_variable_unregister_last();
+        raydium_register_variable_unregister_last();
+        if (strlen(kmzname))
+            {
+            if (raydium_ode_element_find("test")!=-1)
+                raydium_ode_element_delete_name("test",1);
+            raydium_ode_object_box_add("test",0,1,RAYDIUM_ODE_AUTODETECT,0,0,RAYDIUM_ODE_STATIC,0,triname);
+            mode=follow;
+            raydium_gui_hide();
+            }
+        }
+void gui_main(){
+    if (raydium_gui_window_isvalid(handle=raydium_gui_window_find("info")))
+        raydium_gui_window_delete_name("info");
+    if (raydium_gui_window_isvalid(handle=raydium_gui_window_find("Model"))){
+        char str[RAYDIUM_MAX_NAME_LEN];
+            kmz=raydium_gui_check_read(handle,wkmz,str);
+            dae=raydium_gui_check_read(handle,wdae,str);
+            raydium_gui_window_delete_name("Model");
+    }
+    raydium_gui_widget_sizes(0,0,16);
+    handle=raydium_gui_window_create("info",15,25,70,40);
+    {
+    int i=0;
+    char * infos[]={"Raydium Sketchup to Raydium Converter",
+                    "",
+                    "1) Sketchup file->export->3D model .kmz format",
+                    "",
+                    "2) Select name and click Load",
+                    "",
+                    "3) Converted .tri file and created tga textures",
+                    "Are now in your writable directory",
+                    "Note: You can specify an output mesh scale",
+                    "",0};
+    char tmp[4];
+        while(infos[i])
+            {
+            snprintf(tmp,4,"%2.2d",i);
+            raydium_gui_label_create(tmp,handle,50,90-i*10,infos[i],0,0,0);
+            i++;
+            }
+    }
+    handle=raydium_gui_window_create("Model",45,75,55,25);
+    refresh_list(list);
+    raydium_gui_widget_sizes(25,4,18);
+    raydium_gui_combo_create("list",handle,47,75,list,0);
+    raydium_gui_widget_sizes(0,0,18);
+    raydium_gui_label_create("Model Name",handle,25,85,"Model Name :",0,0,0);
+    raydium_gui_widget_sizes(4,4,18);
+    wkmz=raydium_gui_check_create("edtkmz",handle,55,52,".kmz",kmz);
+    wdae=raydium_gui_check_create("edtdae",handle,75,52,".dae",dae);
+    raydium_gui_check_create("edtVerbose",handle,65,18," Verbose",0);
+    raydium_gui_widget_sizes(0,0,18);
+    raydium_gui_label_create("Scale",handle,28,25,"Scale :",0,0,0);
+    raydium_gui_widget_sizes(8,4,18);
+    raydium_gui_edit_create("edtScale",handle,42,17,"1.0");
+    raydium_gui_widget_sizes(15,5,18);
+    raydium_gui_button_create("btnOk",handle,10,50,"Load",loadclick);
+    raydium_gui_show();
+void display(void)
+    exit(0);
+    {
+    if (mode==menu)
+        {
+        raydium_gui_hide();
+        mode=follow;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        raydium_gui_show();
+        mode=menu;
+        }
+    }
+if (kmz!=raydium_gui_check_read(handle,wkmz,NULL)){
+    refresh_list(list);
+    kmz=raydium_gui_check_read(handle,wkmz,NULL);
+    gui_main();
+if (dae!=raydium_gui_check_read(handle,wdae,NULL)){
+    refresh_list(list);
+    dae=raydium_gui_check_read(handle,wdae,NULL);
+    gui_main();
+if (mode==menu)
+    raydium_camera_freemove(RAYDIUM_CAMERA_FREEMOVE_FIXED);
+    raydium_camera_freemove(RAYDIUM_CAMERA_FREEMOVE_NORMAL);
+    raydium_ode_draw_all(RAYDIUM_ODE_DRAW_DEBUG);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    raydium_init_args(argc,argv);
+    raydium_window_create(640,480,RAYDIUM_RENDERING_WINDOW,"Sketchup .kmz to Raydium .tri converter");
+    raydium_texture_filter_change(RAYDIUM_TEXTURE_FILTER_TRILINEAR);
+    raydium_window_view_perspective(60,0.01,2500);
+    raydium_fog_disable();
+    raydium_window_view_update();
+    raydium_background_color_change(1,0.9,0.7,1);
+    raydium_light_enable();
+    raydium_light_on(0);
+    raydium_light_conf_7f(0,50,150,200,1000000,1,0.9,0.7);
+    raydium_gui_theme_load("theme-raydium2.gui");
+    gui_main();
+    raydium_callback(&display);
+    return(0);
+// EOF