Index: lensflare.h
--- lensflare.h	(revision 903)
+++ lensflare.h	(revision 904)
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#ifndef _LENSFLARE_H
+#define _LENSFLARE_H
+Lens flare effects
+// Introduction
+Lens flare effects can be used to emulate various reflection and scattering
+visuals, for example and probably the most common type is the sunlight.
+Lens flare effects inside the engine are designed to be highly customizable.
+You should be able to create everything with them you can think of. Lamps,
+starry skies, headlights for vehicles, explosions, UFO invasions and much more.
+Lets show an example scene of a basic sunlight lens flare effect:
+[[ lensflare]]
+Currently, lens flare effects support eight different effect layers, so called
+FX groups. Each group has size, velocity, color and alpha attributes. You're
+also able to use custom textures, see the ##raydium_lensflare_texture_name()##
+function for details.
+The simplest way to create a lens flare effect is to load a lens flare effect
+configuration file, usually .lf extension text files.
+// Skeleton lens flare effect configuration file.
+// Optional custom set of textures.
+// When no texture name was assigned the default set of textures will be used.
+// e. g. texture="hexagon" will load LF_hexagon_glow.tga instead of LFglow.tga.
+// Lens flare FX groups.
+// To deactivate a FX group simply do not declare it or comment it out.
+// Available FX groups: main, rays, streak, halo, orbs, glow, star, anam.
+// fxgrp = { size, velocity, red, green, blue, alpha }
+main   = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
+rays   = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
+streak = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
+halo   = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
+orbs   = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
+glow   = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
+star   = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
+anam   = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
+After creation of the lens flare you can change the position calling
+##raydium_lensflare_move()## using the lens flare id returned by
+If you want to use lens flare effects together with HDR, be sure to enable HDR
+calling ##raydium_hdr_enable()## before creating a lens flare effect, so the
+textures will be automagically set to be HDR able.
+This effect can be quiet heavy on the framerate, especially when using multiple
+big blended layers. So please be careful, you have been warned. ;)
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_init(void);
+Internal use.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_enable(void);
+Enables the lens flare effect system.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_disable(void);
+Disables the lens flare effect system.
+__rayapi int raydium_lensflare_isvalid(int lf);
+Internal use, but you can call this function to verify if ##lf## lens flare
+has a valid id inside array range, see ##RAYDIUM_MAX_LENSFLARES##.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_reset(int lf);
+Deactivates and resets ##lf## lens flare to the initial state.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_on(int lf);
+Turns ##lf## lens flare on.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_off(int lf);
+Turns ##lf## lens flare off.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_switch(int lf);
+Toggles ##lf## lens flare state.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_texture_name(int lf, char *name);
+This function allows to load custom name lens flare textures.
+By default the names of the lens flare textures are:
+##LFglow.tga##, ##LFstar.tga##, ##LFstreak.tga##, ##LFhalo.tga##,
+##LFray.tga##, ##LFanam.tga##.
+However with this function you can define your own set of lens flare textures,
+with the following name format:
+##LF_<name>_glow.tga##, ##LF_<name>_star.tga##, ...
+// Lens flare textures will be LF_mytex_glow.tga, LF_mytex_star.tga, ...
+If you want to use lens flare effects together with HDR, be sure to enable HDR
+calling ##raydium_hdr_enable()## before using this function, so the textures
+will be automagically set to be HDR able.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_move(int lf, float *pos);
+This function will move ##lf## lens flare to position ##pos##.
+##pos## is a float array of three values (x,y,z).
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_move_3f(int lf, float x, float y, float z);
+Same as above, but using three float values.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_move_relative_3f(int lf, float x, float y, float z);
+Same as above, but using relative coordinates. Useful for ingame displacements.
+__rayapi int raydium_lensflare_fx_isvalid(int fx);
+Internal use, but you can call this function to verify if ##fx## FX group
+has a valid id inside array range, see ##RAYDIUM_LENSFLARE_MAX_FX##.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_fx_on(int lf, int fx);
+Turns ##fx## FX group on.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_fx_off(int lf, int fx);
+Turns ##fx## FX group off.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_fx_switch(int lf, int fx);
+Toggles ##fx## FX group state.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_fx_size_change(int lf, int fx, float s);
+Sets ##s## size of ##fx## FX group within ##lf## lens flare effect.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_fx_color_change(int lf, int fx, float r, float g, float b);
+Sets color of ##fx## FX group within ##lf## lens flare effect.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_fx_alpha_change(int lf, int fx, float a);
+Sets alpha transparency of ##fx## FX group within ##lf## lens flare effect.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_fx_color_rgba(int lf, int fx, float r, float g, float b, float a);
+Sets color and alpha of ##fx## FX group within ##lf## lens flare effect.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_fx_velocity_change(int lf, int fx, float v);
+Sets ##v## velocity of ##fx## FX group within ##lf## lens flare effect.
+__rayapi int raydium_lensflare_internal_load(int lf, char *filename);
+Internal use, load ##lf## lens flare values from ##filename## configuration.
+__rayapi int raydium_lensflare_find(char *name);
+Resolves lens flare id from its ##name##.
+__rayapi int raydium_lensflare_create(char *name, char *filename);
+Builds a new lens flare effect with ##name## using the values from the
+##filename## configuration and returnes the new lens flare id or -1 on error.
+You can also call this function several times with the same ##name## to
+overwrite the lens flare values with different ##filename## configurations.
+There are ##RAYDIUM_MAX_LENSFLARES## slots available.
+__rayapi int raydium_lensflare_internal_point_is_occluded(float x, float y, float z);
+Internal use.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_fx_internal_draw(int lf, int fx, int id, int tex, float d, float cx, float cy, float vx, float vy, float g, float pt);
+Internal use.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_draw(int lf);
+Internal use.
+__rayapi void raydium_lensflare_draw_all(void);
+Internal use.