Index: ode.h
--- ode.h	(revision 33)
+++ ode.h	(revision 34)
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@
 - **Elements:**
 Elements are the main thing you will play with. An element is rendered using
-an associated 3D mesh, is configured with a density, a size, collides with
-others elements, ...
+an associated 3D mesh, is configured with a geometry, density, a size, 
+collides with others elements, ...
 An element **must** be owned by an object.
 For now, there is 3 element types (standard, satic, fixing). Static elements
 are unmovable, they just collide with other elements, usefull for very
 big elements, or externally controlled elements (motion capture, network, 
 haptic interface, ...), for example.
+Raydium supports boxes and spheres.
 - **Joints:**
 Joints are dedicated to elements linking. A joint **must** be linked with two
 elements or unwanted behaviors may happen.
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
 On a joint, you could setup limits (min and max for all axes) and a maximum
 force before joint breaks, if needed.
 - **Motors:**
 A motor is linked to joints, and may powering an unlimited amount of joints.
 For now, 3 motor types are available: engine, angular and rocket.
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@
 Special rocket is avaiblable for FPS style player controls.
 Warning, a rocket is linked to an element ! (not a joint)
 - **Explosions:**
 Explosions are not directly related to rigid body physics, but consider it
 as a high level primitive. 
@@ -83,201 +81,1104 @@
 allowing you to launch an element (you must provice force and orientation)
 from another element (relatively). More informations about launchers below.
+// Callbacks
+Here: things.
+char raydium_ode_network_next_local_only; // must build accessor ... ?
+void * raydium_ode_CollideCallback; // char f(int,int,dContact*)
+void * raydium_ode_StepCallback; // void f(void)
+void * raydium_ode_ObjectNearCollide; // char f(int,int)
+void * raydium_ode_ExplosionCallback; // void f(char,dReal,dReal,dReal*)
+void * raydium_ode_BeforeElementDrawCallback;
+void * raydium_ode_AfterElementDrawCallback;
+// Miscallenous
+Please note RayODE interface is using ##dReal## ODE type for variables. 
+For now, ##dReal## is an alias to ##float## type. But please use ##sizeof()##.
 Raydium provides some other functions for advanced uses, and you can
 access directly to ODE API for very experienced users.
+See also the ODE documentation:
 extern void raydium_ode_name_auto (char *prefix, char *dest);
+This function will generate a single name, using ##prefix##. The generated
+name is stored at ##dest## address. No memory allocation is done.
+Example : ##raydium_ode_name_auto("prefix",str)## may generate something
+like ##prefix_ode_0##.
 extern void raydium_ode_init_object (int i);
+Will initialize (or erase) object ##i##. Mostly for internal uses.
 extern void raydium_ode_init_element (int i);
+Will initialize (or erase) element ##i##. Mostly for internal uses.
 extern void raydium_ode_init_joint (int i);
+Will initialize (or erase) joint ##i##. Mostly for internal uses.
 extern void raydium_ode_init_motor (int i);
+Will initialize (or erase) motor ##i##. Mostly for internal uses.
 extern void raydium_ode_init_explosion (int e);
+Will initialize (or erase) spherical explosiion ##i##. Mostly for internal uses.
 extern void raydium_ode_init (void);
+Will initialize all RayODE interface. Never call this function by yourself.
 extern char raydium_ode_object_isvalid (int i);
+Will return 0 (false) if object ##i## is not valid (free slot or out of bounds)
+or 1 (true) otherwise.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_isvalid (int i);
+Will return 0 (false) if element ##i## is not valid (free slot or out of bounds)
+or 1 (true) otherwise.
 extern char raydium_ode_joint_isvalid (int i);
+Will return 0 (false) if joint ##i## is not valid (free slot or out of bounds)
+or 1 (true) otherwise.
 extern char raydium_ode_motor_isvalid (int i);
+Will return 0 (false) if motor ##i## is not valid (free slot or out of bounds)
+or 1 (true) otherwise.
 extern char raydium_ode_explosion_isvalid (int i);
+Will return 0 (false) if explosion ##i## is not valid (free slot or out of bounds)
+or 1 (true) otherwise.
 extern void raydium_ode_ground_dTriArrayCallback (dGeomID TriMesh, dGeomID RefObject, const int *TriIndices, int TriCount);
+Internal. Unsupported.
 extern int raydium_ode_ground_dTriCallback (dGeomID TriMesh, dGeomID RefObject, int TriangleIndex);
+Internal. Unsupported.
 extern void raydium_ode_ground_set_name (char *name);
+##ground## is a primitive for RayODE interface. You only have to set ground
+mesh ##name## (.tri file). You may call this function many times, if needed,
+switching from one ground to another on the fly.
+**Warning**: triangle normals are very important for ground models !
 extern int raydium_ode_object_find (char *name);
+Resolves object id from it's ##name##.
 extern int raydium_ode_element_find (char *name);
+Resolves element id from it's ##name##.
 extern int raydium_ode_joint_find (char *name);
+Resolves joint id from it's ##name##.
 extern int raydium_ode_motor_find (char *name);
+Resolves motor id from it's ##name##.
 extern int raydium_ode_explosion_find (char *name);
+Resolves explosion id from it's ##name##.
 extern int raydium_ode_object_create (char *name);
+Will build a new object with ##name##. Returns new object id, or -1 when
+it fails.
 extern char raydium_ode_object_rename (int o, char *newname);
+Will rename object ##o## with a ##newname##.
 extern char raydium_ode_object_rename_name (char *o, char *newname);
+Same as above, but from object's name (##o##).
 extern char raydium_ode_object_colliding (int o, char colliding);
+By default, all elements from an object are not colliding each others.
+The only exception is for ##GLOBAL## object.
+If you want to change this behaviour for ##o## object, sets ##colliding##
+to 1 (true). 0 (false) sets back to default behaviour (no internal collisions).
 extern char raydium_ode_object_colliding_name (char *o, char colliding);
+Same as above, but using object's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_object_linearvelocity_set (int o, dReal * vect);
+Sets linear velocity for all elements of object ##o##. Velocity is sets thru
+##vect##, a 3 x dReal array.
+Use with caution, setting an arbitrary linear velocity may cause unwanted
 extern void raydium_ode_object_linearvelocity_set_name (char *o, dReal * vect);
+Same as above, but using object's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_object_linearvelocity_set_name_3f (char *o, dReal vx, dReal vy, dReal vz);
+Same as above, but using 3 dReal values.
 extern void raydium_ode_object_addforce (int o, dReal * vect);
+Add force ##vect## to all elements of object ##o##.
+Force is sets thru ##vect##, a 3 x dReal array.
+Prefer this method to ##..._linearvelocity_set...## functions.
 extern void raydium_ode_object_addforce_name (char *o, dReal * vect);
+Same as above, but using object's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_object_addforce_name_3f (char *o, dReal vx, dReal vy, dReal vz);
+Same as above, but using 3 dReal values.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_addforce (int e, dReal * vect);
+Adds force ##vect## to element ##e##.
+Force is sets thru ##vect##, a 3 x dReal array.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_addforce_name (char *e, dReal * vect);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_addforce_name_3f (char *e, dReal vx, dReal vy, dReal vz);
+Same as above, but using 3 dReal values.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_addtorque (int e, dReal * vect);
+Adds torque ##vect## to element ##e##.
+Torque is sets thru ##vect##, a 3 x dReal array.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_addtorque_name (char *e, dReal * vect);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_addtorque_name_3f (char *e, dReal vx, dReal vy, dReal vz);
+Same as above, but using 3 dReal values.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_material (int e, dReal erp, dReal cfm);
+When two elements collides, there's two important parameters used for
+contact point generation : ERP and CFM.
+ERP means "Error Reduction Parameter", and its value is between 0 and 1 and 
+CFM means "Constraint Force Mixing".
+Changing ERP and CFM values will change the way this element collides with
+other elements, providing a "material" notion.
+Raydium provides a few default values, see ##RAYDIUM_ODE_MATERIAL_*## defines 
+in ##raydium/ode.h## file (hard, medium, soft, soft2, default, ...).
+For more informations, see ODE documentation, chapters 3.7 and 3.8.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_material_name (char *name, dReal erp, dReal cfm);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_slip (int e, dReal slip);
+Slip parameter is a complement of material values (ERP and CFM, see above).
+Raydium provides a few default values, see ##RAYDIUM_ODE_SLIP_*## defines 
+in ##raydium/ode.h## file (ice, player, normal, default).
 extern char raydium_ode_element_slip_name (char *e, dReal slip);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_rotfriction (int e, dReal rotfriction);
+rotfriction stands for "Rotation Friction", "Rolling Friction", 
+"Damping Effect", ...
+With RayODE, by default, when a sphere element is rolling over a flat ground,
+it will roll forever. Applying a rotfriction factor will solve this.
+A value of 0 will disable rotation friction.
+Example: %%(c)
+#define ROTFRICTION     0.0005
 extern char raydium_ode_element_rotfriction_name (char *e, dReal rotfriction);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern dReal *raydium_ode_element_linearvelocity_get (int e);
+Returns a pointer to element's linear velocity. Linear velocity is an
+array of 3 x dReal.
+Example: %%(c)
+dReal *p;
+raydium_log("%f %f %f",p[0],p[1],p[2]);
 extern dReal *raydium_ode_element_linearvelocity_get_name (char *e);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_OnBlow (int e, void *OnBlow);
+During an instantaneous explosion, all elements inside the blow's radius may
+fire an OnBlow callback (event), if set.
+##OnBlow## callback must follow this prototype :
+##void blow_touched(int elem, dReal force, dReal max_force)##
+##elem## is the element id.
+##force## is the amount of force received from explosion.
+##max_force## is the amount of force at the core of the explosion.
+Sets ##OnBlow## to ##NULL## if you want to disable this callback.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_OnBlow_name (char *e, void *OnBlow);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_OnDelete (int e, void *OnDelete);
+OnDelete callback is fired when someone or something tries to delete an element.
+This callback can cancel deletion, if needed.
+##OnBlow## callback must follow this prototype :
+##int element_delete(int elem)##
+##elem## is the element id. Return 1 (true) to confirm deletion, of 0 to cancel.
+Sets ##OnDelete## to ##NULL## if you want to disable this callback.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_OnDelete_name (char *e, void *OnDelete);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_gravity (int e, char enable);
+By default, gravity applies to every element of the scene. If you want
+to disable gravity for element ##e##, set ##enable## to 0 (false).
+You can restore gravity with ##enable## sets to 1 (true).
 extern void raydium_ode_element_gravity_name (char *e, char enable);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_ttl_set (int e, int ttl);
+TTL means Time To Live. Setting a TTL on an element will automatically
+delete this element when TTL expires.
+- TTL unit: ##ttl## is given in ODE steps (see example, below).
+- TTL deletion may be canceled by OnDelete callback (see above).
+- TTL may be changed on the fly, at anytime.
+- a ##ttl## value of -1 will disable TTL.
+example: %%(c)
+raydium_ode_element_ttl_set(elem,RAYDIUM_ODE_PHYSICS_FREQ*5); // 5 seconds
 extern void raydium_ode_element_ttl_set_name (char *e, int ttl);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_aabb_get (int element, dReal * aabb);
+AABB means Axis-Aligned Bounding Box. This function will return element's
+bounding box on X, Y and Z axis.
+##aabb## is a pointer to an array of 6 x dReal.
+No memory allocation is done.
+Will return 0 (false) in case of failure.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_aabb_get_name (char *element, dReal * aabb);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern int raydium_ode_element_touched_get (int e);
+Every element provide a "touched" flag. If element ##e## is touching anything,
+this function will return 1 (true).
 extern int raydium_ode_element_touched_get_name (char *e);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_player_set (int e, char isplayer);
+RayODE provides a special behaviour for FPS style players, also
+named "standing geoms". The idea is simple : a player element is always
+upright, and you can set an arbitrary rotation angle around Z axis anytime.
+Sets ##isplayer## to 1 (true) to transform element ##e## into a "player element".
 extern char raydium_ode_element_player_set_name (char *name, char isplayer);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_player_get (int e);
+Returns if element ##e## is a "player element" (1, true) or not (0, false).
+See above for more informations about player elements.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_player_get_name (char *name);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_player_angle (int e, dReal angle);
+Sets "standing geom" Z rotation ##angle## (radian) for element ##e##.
+See above for more informations about player elements.
 extern char raydium_ode_element_player_angle_name (char *e, dReal angle);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern int raydium_ode_element_ground_texture_get (int e);
+Unsupported. Do not use for now.
 extern int raydium_ode_element_ground_texture_get_name (char *e);
+Unsupported. Do not use for now.
 extern int raydium_ode_element_object_get (int e);
+Since every element is owned by an object, this function will return
+the owner's object id.
 extern int raydium_ode_element_object_get_name (char *e);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern int raydium_ode_object_sphere_add (char *name, int group, dReal mass, dReal radius, char type, int tag, char *mesh);
+This function will add an new "sphere" element to an object (##group##).
+You must provide:
+- ##name##: **single** name for this new element.
+- ##group##: owner object id.
+- ##mass##: density of this new element. Mass will depend on radius.
+- ##radius##: radius of the element sphere geometry. Raydium is able to
+detect this value with ##RAYDIUM_ODE_AUTODETECT##. Things like 
+##RAYDIUM_ODE_AUTODETECT*2## are ok, meaning "twice the detected radius".
+- ##type##: ##RAYDIUM_ODE_STANDARD## or ##RAYDIUM_ODE_STATIC## (collide only,
+no physics).
+- ##tag##: use this integer value as you want. The important thing is that
+this value is sent to network, and will be available on every connected peer.
+This tag must be greater or equal to 0. Suitable functions are available
+to read back this value later on an element.
+- ##mesh##: 3D model used for rendering this element. Use an empty string to
+disable rendering (and not ##NULL## !).
 extern int raydium_ode_object_box_add (char *name, int group, dReal mass, dReal tx, dReal ty, dReal tz, char type, int tag, char *mesh);
+This function will add an new "box" element to an object (##group##).
+Arguments are the same as ##raydium_ode_object_sphere_add## (see above) but
+##tx##, ##ty## and ##tz##, used for box sizes. As for spheres, you can
+use ##RAYDIUM_ODE_AUTODETECT##. Give this value only for ##tx##, this will
+automatically apply to ##ty## and ##tz##.
+Again, Things like  ##RAYDIUM_ODE_AUTODETECT*2## are ok, meaning 
+"twice the detected size".
 extern int raydium_ode_element_fix (char *name, int *elem, int nelems, char keepgeoms);
+Experimental code.
+The idea here is to create a bounding single element for a group of elements.
+You must provide:
+- ##name##: the new bounding element's name.
+- ##elems##: an array of all elements to fix (id array).
+- ##nelems##: the number of elements in ##elems## array.
+- ##keepgeoms##: set to 0.
+You can only fix standard elements (no statics) and all elements must be
+owned by the same object.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_unfix (int e);
+Experimental code. Unimplemented, yet.
+Symmetric function, see ##raydium_ode_element_fix##.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_move (int elem, dReal * pos);
+This function will move element ##elem## to ##pos##.
+##pos## is a dReal array of 3 values (x,y,z).
+Warning: arbitrary moves may lead to unwanted behaviours.
+extern void raydium_ode_element_move_name (char *name, dReal * pos);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_move_3f(int elem, dReal x,dReal y, dReal z);
-extern void raydium_ode_element_move_name (char *name, dReal * pos);
+Same as ##raydium_ode_element_move##, but using 3 dReal values.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_move_name_3f (char *name, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_rotate (int elem, dReal * rot);
+This function will rotate element ##elem## using ##rot##.
+##rot## is a dReal array of 3 values (rx,ry,rz).
+Warning: arbitrary rotations may lead to unwanted behaviours.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_rotate_3f (int elem, dReal rx, dReal ry, dReal rz);
+Same as ##raydium_ode_element_rotate##, but using 3 dReal values.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_rotate_name (char *name, dReal * rot);
+Same as ##raydium_ode_element_rotate##, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_rotateq (int elem, dReal * rot);
+This function will rotate element ##elem## using ##rot## quaternion.
+##rot## is a dReal array of 4 values.
+Warning: arbitrary rotations may lead to unwanted behaviours.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_rotateq_name (char *name, dQuaternion rot);
+Same as ##raydium_ode_element_rotateq##, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_rotate_name_3f (char *name, dReal rx, dReal ry, dReal rz);
+Same as ##raydium_ode_element_rotate_name##, but using 3 dReal values.
 extern void raydium_ode_object_rotate(int obj, dReal *rot);
+This function will try to rotate object ##obj##.
+For now, rotation is done around the last element of the object.
+##rot## is a dReal array of 3 values (rx,ry,rz).
+Warning: arbitrary rotations may lead to unwanted behaviours.
 extern void raydium_ode_object_rotate_name(char *obj, dReal *rot);
+Same as above, but using object's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_object_rotate_name_3f(char *obj, dReal rx, dReal ry, dReal rz);
+Same as above, but using 3 dReal values.
+extern void raydium_ode_object_move (int obj, dReal * pos);
+This function will move object ##obj## to ##pos##.
+Obviously, every element of object will be moved.
+##pos## is a dReal array of 3 values (x,y,z).
+Warning: arbitrary moves may lead to unwanted behaviours.
+extern void raydium_ode_object_move_name (char *name, dReal * pos);
+Same as above, but using object's name.
+extern void raydium_ode_object_move_name_3f (char *name, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
+Same as above, but using 3 dReal values.
+extern void raydium_ode_object_rotateq (int obj, dReal * rot);
+This function will try to rotate object ##obj## using ##rot## quaternion.
+For now, rotation is done around the last element of the object.
+##rot## is a dReal array of 4 values.
+Warning: arbitrary rotations may lead to unwanted behaviours.
+extern void raydium_ode_object_rotateq_name (char *obj, dReal * rot);
+Same as above, but using object's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_rotate_direction (int elem, char Force0OrVel1);
+This function will rotate element ##elem## from its force or velocity.
+Sets ##Force0OrVel1## to ##0## if you want to align element using its
+force or ##1## using its linear velocity.
+Warning: arbitrary rotations may lead to unwanted behaviours.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_rotate_direction_name (char *e, char Force0OrVel1);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_data_set (int e, void *data);
+You may want to link some data to any element. If so, use this function
+and provide a pointer to your ##data## for element ##e##.
 extern void raydium_ode_element_data_set_name (char *e, void *data);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void *raydium_ode_element_data_get (int e);
+This function will return a pointer to your linked data, if any (see above).
 extern void *raydium_ode_element_data_get_name (char *e);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern int raydium_ode_element_tag_get (int e);
+When you create a new element, you must provide a "tag". This function
+allows you to get back the tag's value, even on "distant" elements.
 extern int raydium_ode_element_tag_get_name (char *e);
-extern void raydium_ode_object_move (int obj, dReal * pos);
-extern void raydium_ode_object_move_name (char *name, dReal * pos);
-extern void raydium_ode_object_move_name_3f (char *name, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
-extern void raydium_ode_object_rotateq (int obj, dReal * rot);
-extern void raydium_ode_object_rotateq_name (char *obj, dReal * rot);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_suspension (int j, dReal erp, dReal cfm);
+ERP means "Error Reduction Parameter", and its value is between 0 and 1 and 
+CFM means "Constraint Force Mixing".
+Changing ERP and CFM values will change joint energy absorption and restitution.
+For more informations, see ODE documentation, chapters 3.7 and 3.8.
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_suspension_name (char *j, dReal erp, dReal cfm);
+Same as above, but using element's name.
 extern int raydium_ode_joint_attach_hinge2 (char *name, int elem1, int elem2, dReal axe1x, dReal axe1y, dReal axe1z, dReal axe2x, dReal axe2y, dReal axe2z);
+Will create a new joint between two elements (##elem1## and ##elem2##).
+Hinge2 is a very specialized joint, perfect for car wheel's for example.
+[[ hinge2]]
+"Axis 1 is specified relative to body 1 (this would be the steering 
+axis if body 1 is the chassis). Axis 2 is specified relative to body 2 
+(this would be the wheel axis if body 2 is the wheel)."
+You must also provide joint's ##name##.
+Raydium provides ##RAYDIUM_ODE_JOINT_SUSP_DEFAULT_AXES## define, useful for 
+most chassis-wheel joints, and ##RAYDIUM_ODE_JOINT_AXE_X##, Y and Z for
+other cases.
+You cannot attach a static element.
 extern int raydium_ode_joint_attach_hinge2_name (char *name, char *elem1, char *elem2, dReal axe1x, dReal axe1y, dReal axe1z, dReal axe2x, dReal axe2y, dReal axe2z);
+Same as above, but using elements's names.
 extern int raydium_ode_joint_attach_universal (char *name, int elem1, int elem2, dReal posx, dReal posy, dReal posz, dReal axe1x, dReal axe1y, dReal axe1z, dReal axe2x, dReal axe2y, dReal axe2z);
+Will create a new joint between two elements (##elem1## and ##elem2##).
+[[ universal]]
+"Given axis 1 on body 1, and axis 2 on body 2 that is perpendicular to 
+axis 1, it keeps them perpendicular. In other words, rotation of the two 
+bodies about the direction perpendicular to the two axes will be equal."
+"Axis 1 and axis 2 should be perpendicular to each other."
+You must also provide joint's ##name##, and joint position (##posx##, ##posy##,
+##posz##) in world coordinates.
+and ##RAYDIUM_ODE_JOINT_AXE_Z## defines, that may help.
+You cannot attach a static element.
 extern int raydium_ode_joint_attach_universal_name (char *name, char *elem1, char *elem2, dReal posx, dReal posy, dReal posz, dReal axe1x, dReal axe1y, dReal axe1z, dReal axe2x, dReal axe2y, dReal axe2z);
+Same as above, but using elements's names.
 extern int raydium_ode_joint_attach_hinge (char *name, int elem1, int elem2, dReal posx, dReal posy, dReal posz, dReal axe1x, dReal axe1y, dReal axe1z);
+Will create a new joint between two elements (##elem1## and ##elem2##).
+[[ hinge]]
+You must provide joint's ##name##, and joint position (##posx##, ##posy##,
+##posz##) in world coordinates.
+and ##RAYDIUM_ODE_JOINT_AXE_Z## defines, that may help for setting axis.
+You cannot attach a static element.
 extern int raydium_ode_joint_attach_hinge_name (char *name, char *elem1, char *elem2, dReal posx, dReal posy, dReal posz, dReal axe1x, dReal axe1y, dReal axe1z);
+Same as above, but using elements's names.
 extern int raydium_ode_joint_attach_fixed (char *name, int elem1, int elem2);
+Will create a new joint between two elements (##elem1## and ##elem2##).
+Fixed joint is more a hack than a real joint. Use only when it's absolutely 
+necessary, and have a look to ##raydium_ode_element_fix##.
+You must provide joint's ##name##
+You cannot attach a static element.
 extern int raydium_ode_joint_attach_fixed_name (char *name, char *elem1, char *elem2);
+Same as above, but using elements's names.
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_hinge_limits (int j, dReal lo, dReal hi);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_hinge_limits_name (char *j, dReal lo, dReal hi);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_universal_limits (int j, dReal lo1, dReal hi1, dReal lo2, dReal hi2);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_universal_limits_name (char *j, dReal lo1, dReal hi1, dReal lo2, dReal hi2);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_hinge2_block (int j, char block);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_hinge2_block_name (char *name, char block);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_delete_callback (int j, void (*f) (int));
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_delete_callback_name (char *name, void (*f) (int));
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_break_force (int j, dReal maxforce);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_break_force_name (char *name, dReal maxforce);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_elements_get (int j, int *e1, int *e2);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_elements_get_name (char *j, int *e1, int *e2);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_update_joints_data_internal (int j);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_speed (int j, dReal force);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_speed_name (char *name, dReal force);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_power_max (int j, dReal power);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_power_max_name (char *name, dReal power);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_angle (int j, dReal angle);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_angle_name (char *motor, dReal angle);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_gears_set (int m, dReal * gears, int n_gears);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_gears_set_name (char *m, dReal * gears, int n_gears);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_gear_change (int m, int gear);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_gear_change_name (char *m, int gear);
 extern dReal *raydium_ode_element_pos_get (int j);
 extern dReal *raydium_ode_element_pos_get_name (char *name);
 extern char raydium_ode_element_rotq_get (int j, dQuaternion res);
 extern char raydium_ode_element_rotq_get_name (char *name, dQuaternion res);
 extern char raydium_ode_element_rot_get (int e, dReal * rx, dReal * ry, dReal * rz);
 extern char raydium_ode_element_rot_get_name (char *e, dReal * rx, dReal * ry, dReal * rz);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_sound_update (int e, int source);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_sound_update_name (char *e, int source);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_RelPointPos (int e, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dReal * res);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_RelPointPos_name (char *e, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dReal * res);
 extern int raydium_ode_motor_create (char *name, int obj, char type);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_attach (int motor, int joint, int joint_axe);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_attach_name (char *motor, char *joint, int joint_axe);
 extern dReal raydium_ode_motor_speed_get (int m, int gears);
 extern dReal raydium_ode_motor_speed_get_name (char *name, int gears);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_rocket_set (int m, int element, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_rocket_set_name (char *motor, char *element, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_rocket_orientation (int m, dReal rx, dReal ry, dReal rz);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_rocket_orientation_name (char *name, dReal rx, dReal ry, dReal rz);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_rocket_playermovement (int m, char isplayermovement);
 extern void raydium_ode_motor_rocket_playermovement_name (char *m, char isplayermovement);
 extern char raydium_ode_motor_delete (int e);
 extern char raydium_ode_motor_delete_name (char *name);
 extern char raydium_ode_joint_delete (int joint);
 extern char raydium_ode_joint_delete_name (char *name);
 extern char raydium_ode_element_delete (int e, char deletejoints);
 extern char raydium_ode_element_delete_name (char *name, char deletejoints);
 extern char raydium_ode_object_delete (int obj);
 extern char raydium_ode_object_delete_name (char *name);
 extern char raydium_ode_explosion_delete (int e);
 extern char raydium_ode_element_moveto (int element, int object, char deletejoints);
 extern char raydium_ode_element_moveto_name (char *element, char *object, char deletejoints);
 extern void raydium_ode_joint_break (int j);
 extern char raydium_ode_launcher (int element, int from_element, dReal * rot, dReal force);
 extern char raydium_ode_launcher_name (char *element, char *from_element, dReal * rot, dReal force);
 extern char raydium_ode_launcher_name_3f (char *element, char *from_element, dReal rx, dReal ry, dReal rz, dReal force);
 extern char raydium_ode_launcher_simple (int element, int from_element, dReal * lrot, dReal force);
 extern char raydium_ode_launcher_simple_name (char *element, char *from_element, dReal * rot, dReal force);
 extern char raydium_ode_launcher_simple_name_3f (char *element, char *from_element, dReal rx, dReal ry, dReal rz, dReal force);
 extern void raydium_ode_explosion_blow (dReal radius, dReal max_force, dReal * pos);
 extern void raydium_ode_explosion_blow_3f (dReal radius, dReal max_force, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz);
 extern int raydium_ode_explosion_create (char *name, dReal final_radius, dReal propag, dReal * pos);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_camera_inboard (int e, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dReal lookx, dReal looky, dReal lookz);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_camera_inboard_name (char *name, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dReal lookx, dReal looky, dReal lookz);
 extern void raydium_ode_draw_all (char names);
 extern void raydium_ode_near_callback (void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2);
+Internal callback.
 extern void raydium_ode_callback (void);
+Internal frame callback.
 extern void raydium_ode_time_change (GLfloat perc);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_particle (int elem, char *filename);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_particle_name (char *elem, char *filename);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_particle_offset (int elem, char *filename, dReal * offset);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_particle_offset_name (char *elem, char *filename, dReal * offset);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_particle_offset_name_3f (char *elem, char *filename, dReal ox, dReal oy, dReal oz);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_particle_point (int elem, char *filename);
 extern void raydium_ode_element_particle_point_name (char *elem, char *filename);
 extern void raydium_camera_smooth_path_to_element (char *path, int element, GLfloat path_step, GLfloat smooth_step);
 extern void raydium_camera_smooth_path_to_element_name (char *path, char *element, GLfloat path_step, GLfloat smooth_step);
 extern void raydium_camera_smooth_element_to_path_offset (int element, GLfloat offset_x, GLfloat offset_y, GLfloat offset_z, char *path, GLfloat path_step, GLfloat smooth_step);
 extern void raydium_camera_smooth_element_to_path_offset_name (char *element, GLfloat offset_x, GLfloat offset_y, GLfloat offset_z, char *path, GLfloat path_step, GLfloat smooth_step);
 extern void raydium_camera_smooth_element_to_path_name (char *element, char *path, GLfloat path_step, GLfloat smooth_step);
 extern int raydium_ode_capture_3d(char *filename);
 extern int raydium_ode_orphans_check(void);
 #include "ode_net.h"