Index: sky.c
--- sky.c	(revision 655)
+++ sky.c	(revision 656)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f((x+sizeb),(y-sizeb),(z+sizeb));
@@ -130,251 +130,251 @@
 void raydium_sky_sphere_render(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z,int detail)
-	int i, j,co;
-	GLfloat currentradious,z1,z2,ang1,dx,dy,h;
-	//the next is static cause this will be used to store the vertices of the sphere.
-	//i suppose that it could be external to this function.
+        int i, j,co;
+        GLfloat currentradious,z1,z2,ang1,dx,dy,h;
+        //the next is static cause this will be used to store the vertices of the sphere.
+        //i suppose that it could be external to this function.
-	//keeping safe the current matrix
-	glPushMatrix();
-	//glPushAttrib(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); Gl attrib functions shoudn't be used
+        //keeping safe the current matrix
+        glPushMatrix();
+        //glPushAttrib(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); Gl attrib functions shoudn't be used
-	//increasing angles to simulate orbit
-	raydium_sky_sphere_angle_orbit_u += 10 * raydium_frame_time;
-	raydium_sky_sphere_angle_orbit_v += 1 * raydium_frame_time;
+        //increasing angles to simulate orbit
+        raydium_sky_sphere_angle_orbit_u += 10 * raydium_frame_time;
+        raydium_sky_sphere_angle_orbit_v += 1 * raydium_frame_time;
-	//test code.
-	//the rotation speed should be changed with a function
-	raydium_sky_sphere_y_vel=0.01;
-	raydium_sky_sphere_x_vel=0.01;
+        //test code.
+        //the rotation speed should be changed with a function
+        raydium_sky_sphere_y_vel=0.01;
+        raydium_sky_sphere_x_vel=0.01;
-	//updating the x and y values according the speed and the framerate
-	raydium_sky_sphere_x_pos+=raydium_sky_sphere_x_vel * raydium_frame_time;
-	raydium_sky_sphere_y_pos+=raydium_sky_sphere_y_vel * raydium_frame_time;
+        //updating the x and y values according the speed and the framerate
+        raydium_sky_sphere_x_pos+=raydium_sky_sphere_x_vel * raydium_frame_time;
+        raydium_sky_sphere_y_pos+=raydium_sky_sphere_y_vel * raydium_frame_time;
-	//using dx and dy to simplify the code
-	dx=raydium_sky_sphere_x_pos;
-	dy=raydium_sky_sphere_y_pos;
+        //using dx and dy to simplify the code
+        dx=raydium_sky_sphere_x_pos;
+        dy=raydium_sky_sphere_y_pos;
-	//turning off "specials" for render
-	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
-	glDisable(GL_FOG);
-	glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-	glColor4fv(raydium_background_color);
-	glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);
-	//glEnable(GL_BLEND);
-	//check if the points are already calculated.
-	//there is no reason to enter constantly.
-	if(raydium_sky_sphere_generated!=1)
-	{
-		//getting the points of the sphere, but no drawing
-		for(i=0;i<=detail;i++)
-		{
-			//getting the radius for each section of the sphere
-			currentradious		=	raydium_trigo_sin(180*((float)i/(float)detail));
-			//getting the heights for each section of the sphere
-			z1	 		=	raydium_trigo_cos(180*((float)i/(float)detail));		
-			for(j=0;j<=detail;j++)
-			{
-				ang1		=	360*((float)j/(float)detail);
-				p[i][j][0]	=	currentradious * raydium_trigo_cos(ang1);
-				p[i][j][1]	=	currentradious * raydium_trigo_sin(ang1);
-				p[i][j][2]	=	z1;
-			}
-		}
-		raydium_sky_sphere_generated	=	1;
-	}
+        //turning off "specials" for render
+        glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+        glDisable(GL_FOG);
+        glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+        glColor4fv(raydium_background_color);
+        glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);
+        //glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+        //glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR,GL_SRC_COLOR);
+        //check if the points are already calculated.
+        //there is no reason to enter constantly.
+        if(raydium_sky_sphere_generated!=1)
+        {
+                //getting the points of the sphere, but no drawing
+                for(i=0;i<=detail;i++)
+                {
+                        //getting the radius for each section of the sphere
+                        currentradious          =       raydium_trigo_sin(180*((float)i/(float)detail));
+                        //getting the heights for each section of the sphere
+                        z1                      =       raydium_trigo_cos(180*((float)i/(float)detail));                
+                        for(j=0;j<=detail;j++)
+                        {
+                                ang1            =       360*((float)j/(float)detail);
+                                p[i][j][0]      =       currentradious * raydium_trigo_cos(ang1);
+                                p[i][j][1]      =       currentradious * raydium_trigo_sin(ang1);
+                                p[i][j][2]      =       z1;
+                        }
+                }
+                raydium_sky_sphere_generated    =       1;
+        }
-	//Postioning the modelview in the pos of the camera
-	glTranslatef(x,y,z);
+        //Postioning the modelview in the pos of the camera
+        glTranslatef(x,y,z);
-	//test code
-	//the texture should be loaded with a different function
-	if(!raydium_texture_exists("SKYCLOUDS.tga"))
-	{
-		raydium_texture_load("SKYCLOUDS.tga");
-	}
-	raydium_texture_current_set_name("SKYCLOUDS.tga");	
-	//activating texture 
-	raydium_rendering_internal_prepare_texture_render(raydium_texture_current_main);
-	//shutdown the DEPTH writting
-	glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);
+        //test code
+        //the texture should be loaded with a different function
+        if(!raydium_texture_exists("SKYCLOUDS.tga"))
+        {
+                raydium_texture_load("SKYCLOUDS.tga");
+        }
+        raydium_texture_current_set_name("SKYCLOUDS.tga");      
+        //activating texture 
+        raydium_rendering_internal_prepare_texture_render(raydium_texture_current_main);
+        //shutdown the DEPTH writting
+        glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);
-	//activating and setting fog
-	raydium_fog_enable();
-	glFogf(GL_FOG_START,0.6);
-	glFogf(GL_FOG_END,1);
-	glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE,GL_EXP2);
-	//setting h to the height of the vault
-	h=raydium_sky_sphere_heigth;
+        //activating and setting fog
+        raydium_fog_enable();
+        glFogf(GL_FOG_START,0.6);
+        glFogf(GL_FOG_END,1);
+        glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE,GL_EXP2);
+        //setting h to the height of the vault
+        h=raydium_sky_sphere_heigth;
-	//activating the blending needed for the clouds
-	glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+        //activating the blending needed for the clouds
+        glEnable(GL_BLEND);
-	//drawing the layers of clouds
-	for(co=0;co<raydium_sky_sphere_quality;co++)
-	{
-		//drawing the upper vault		
-		glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
-		glColor4f(1,1,1,1*(co/raydium_sky_sphere_quality));
-		glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(-1,1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(1+dx,1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(1,1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
-		glVertex3f(0,0,h);
-		glTexCoord2f(1+dx,1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(1,1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(1+dx,-1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(1,-1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
-		glVertex3f(0,0,h);
-		glTexCoord2f(1+dx,-1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(1,-1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,-1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(-1,-1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
-		glVertex3f(0,0,h);	
-		glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(-1,1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,-1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(-1,-1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
-		glVertex3f(0,0,h);
-		//drawing the botom vault, mirror of the upper one
-		h=-h;
-		//glColor4f(1,1,1,1);
-		glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(-1,1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(1+dx,1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(1,1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
-		glVertex3f(0,0,h);
-		glTexCoord2f(1+dx,1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(1,1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(1+dx,-1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(1,-1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
-		glVertex3f(0,0,h);
-		glTexCoord2f(1+dx,-1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(1,-1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,-1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(-1,-1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
-		glVertex3f(0,0,h);	
-		glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(-1,1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,-1+dy);
-		glVertex3f(-1,-1,0);
-		glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
-		glVertex3f(0,0,h);
-		glEnd();
-		//recalculating the new heigth of the vault(a new layer)
-		h=-h*0.95;	
-	}
+        //drawing the layers of clouds
+        for(co=0;co<raydium_sky_sphere_quality;co++)
+        {
+                //drawing the upper vault               
+                glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
+                glColor4f(1,1,1,1*(co/raydium_sky_sphere_quality));
+                glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(-1,1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(1+dx,1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(1,1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
+                glVertex3f(0,0,h);
+                glTexCoord2f(1+dx,1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(1,1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(1+dx,-1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(1,-1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
+                glVertex3f(0,0,h);
+                glTexCoord2f(1+dx,-1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(1,-1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,-1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(-1,-1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
+                glVertex3f(0,0,h);      
+                glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(-1,1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,-1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(-1,-1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
+                glVertex3f(0,0,h);
+                //drawing the botom vault, mirror of the upper one
+                h=-h;
+                //glColor4f(1,1,1,1);
+                glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(-1,1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(1+dx,1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(1,1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
+                glVertex3f(0,0,h);
+                glTexCoord2f(1+dx,1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(1,1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(1+dx,-1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(1,-1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
+                glVertex3f(0,0,h);
+                glTexCoord2f(1+dx,-1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(1,-1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,-1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(-1,-1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
+                glVertex3f(0,0,h);      
+                glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(-1,1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(-1+dx,-1+dy);
+                glVertex3f(-1,-1,0);
+                glTexCoord2f(0+dx,0+dy);
+                glVertex3f(0,0,h);
+                glEnd();
+                //recalculating the new heigth of the vault(a new layer)
+                h=-h*0.95;      
+        }
-	//deactivating the fog, unused
-	raydium_fog_disable();
-	//reactivating the previous blending
-	glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+        //deactivating the fog, unused
+        raydium_fog_disable();
+        //reactivating the previous blending
+        glEnable(GL_BLEND);
-	//match the orientation of the camera with the universe
-	//rotating according the orbit angles(ugly)
-	glRotatef(raydium_sky_sphere_angle_orbit_v,0,0,1);
-	glRotatef(raydium_sky_sphere_angle_orbit_u,1,0,0);
+        //match the orientation of the camera with the universe
+        //rotating according the orbit angles(ugly)
+        glRotatef(raydium_sky_sphere_angle_orbit_v,0,0,1);
+        glRotatef(raydium_sky_sphere_angle_orbit_u,1,0,0);
-	//now drawing the sphere with the pre-obtained values
-	for(i=0;i<detail;i++)
-	{
-		for(j=0;j<detail;j++)
-		{
-			//calculating colors
-			z1 = 1-sin((float)2*i/detail);
-			z2 = 1-sin((float)(2*i+2)/detail);
-			glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
-			glColor4f(z1,z1,z1,1);
-			glVertex3f(p[i][j][0],p[i][j][1],p[i][j][2]);
-			glColor4f(z1,z1,z1,1);
-			glVertex3f(p[i][j+1][0],p[i][j+1][1],p[i][j+1][2]);
-			glColor4f(z2,z2,z2,1);
-			glVertex3f(p[i+1][j][0],p[i+1][j][1],p[i+1][j][2]);
-			glColor4f(z2,z2,z2,1);
-			glVertex3f(p[i+1][j][0],p[i+1][j][1],p[i+1][j][2]);
-			glColor4f(z2,z2,z2,1);
-			glVertex3f(p[i+1][j+1][0],p[i+1][j+1][1],p[i+1][j+1][2]);
-			glColor4f(z1,z1,z1,1);
-			glVertex3f(p[i][j+1][0],p[i][j+1][1],p[i][j+1][2]);
-			glEnd();
-		}
-	}
+        //now drawing the sphere with the pre-obtained values
+        for(i=0;i<detail;i++)
+        {
+                for(j=0;j<detail;j++)
+                {
+                        //calculating colors
+                        z1 = 1-sin((float)2*i/detail);
+                        z2 = 1-sin((float)(2*i+2)/detail);
+                        glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
+                        glColor4f(z1,z1,z1,1);
+                        glVertex3f(p[i][j][0],p[i][j][1],p[i][j][2]);
+                        glColor4f(z1,z1,z1,1);
+                        glVertex3f(p[i][j+1][0],p[i][j+1][1],p[i][j+1][2]);
+                        glColor4f(z2,z2,z2,1);
+                        glVertex3f(p[i+1][j][0],p[i+1][j][1],p[i+1][j][2]);
+                        glColor4f(z2,z2,z2,1);
+                        glVertex3f(p[i+1][j][0],p[i+1][j][1],p[i+1][j][2]);
+                        glColor4f(z2,z2,z2,1);
+                        glVertex3f(p[i+1][j+1][0],p[i+1][j+1][1],p[i+1][j+1][2]);
+                        glColor4f(z1,z1,z1,1);
+                        glVertex3f(p[i][j+1][0],p[i][j+1][1],p[i][j+1][2]);
+                        glEnd();
+                }
+        }
-	//restoring previus states
-	glDisable(GL_BLEND);
-	glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-	if(raydium_fog_enabled_tag) glEnable(GL_FOG);
-	if(raydium_light_enabled_tag) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
-	glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
-	//glPopAttrib();
-	glPopMatrix();
+        //restoring previus states
+        glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+        glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+        if(raydium_fog_enabled_tag) glEnable(GL_FOG);
+        if(raydium_light_enabled_tag) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
+        glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
+        //glPopAttrib();
+        glPopMatrix();
 void raydium_sky_atmosphere_enable(void)
-	raydium_sky_atmosphere_enable_tag=1;
-	raydium_sky_sphere_quality=20;
-	raydium_sky_sphere_heigth=0.09;
-	//this will force to recalculate the sphere once
-	raydium_sky_sphere_generated=0;
-	raydium_log("atmosphere created with quality 20");
+        raydium_sky_atmosphere_enable_tag=1;
+        raydium_sky_sphere_quality=20;
+        raydium_sky_sphere_heigth=0.09;
+        //this will force to recalculate the sphere once
+        raydium_sky_sphere_generated=0;
+        raydium_log("atmosphere created with quality 20");
 void raydium_sky_atmosphere_disable(void)
-	raydium_sky_atmosphere_enable_tag=0;
+        raydium_sky_atmosphere_enable_tag=0;
 void raydium_sky_atmosphere_render( GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z,int detail)
-	if(raydium_sky_atmosphere_enable_tag)
-	{	
-		raydium_sky_sphere_render(x,y,z,detail);
-	}
+        if(raydium_sky_atmosphere_enable_tag)
+        {       
+                raydium_sky_sphere_render(x,y,z,detail);
+        }
 signed char raydium_sky_atmosphere_check(void)
-	return raydium_sky_atmosphere_enable_tag;
+        return raydium_sky_atmosphere_enable_tag;